I've been tagged by Miranda.
The name of the game is to open the 4th picture folder on your computer and post the 4th picture from that folder on your blog.
Then you need to describe it.
Then you get to tag 4 people to do the same.

This is from California Adventure Park - across from Disneyland.
I was taking pictures with the 'aria' in 'California', and here is one of the A's.
It's now on my wall along with a bunch of other pictures.
I will now tag Meredith, Katie, and James.
(and you probably are already tagged but I needed to tag someone!)

blog much?

I haven't blogged much lately, mostly because I just didn't feel like it at all.
But I should have, mostly because I've been sitting around the house lately.
And I have been sitting around because I screwed up my knee badly at work last week.
The Doctor gave me some pain killers and anti-inflammatory meds.
Then since the anti-inflammatories felt like they were ripping my stomach apart, in two, and then stomping on it, I went back and got another pill for my stomach.
But no, it doesn't work at all, and neither does the pain killer for my stomach.
It's plain awful so I have been very cranky lately.

It doesn't help that the nursing program ends the application period in January for the September 08' year. This means - Aria doesn't have her full driver's licence so cannot apply (as well as an up to date first-aid)
So, this ticking me off, and realizing all that procrastinating screwed me over.
I keep saying 'this year is school' but things come up and I put it off, or problems come up and it's out the door with that plan.
Hopefully this year all my ducks will be in a row and I can apply with peace of mind.
Well that is all for now, I am going to bed, or to read.
Later days.

Miranda vs. Killer

While talking to Miranda on skype I snapped a couple pictures.

Still 6 days!

well it is still 6 days left... I just realized that "oh... it's not 2 minutes... it's now less than an hour..." so I will write some more

The other day we were in the same room with a French Canadian Separatist- Quebecois, and a Newfie. My oh my there are many varities of Canadians out there. The newfie accent made me cringe actually at first. It was just so shocking. I haven't met anyone from there before with such an accent!

Yesterday, I went shopping. I haven't really let myself buy anything big at all this trip because I am carrying it all which sucks. But yesterday was the day I was waiting for. The place I was waiting for... Primark. oo la la!

Super cheap clothes, lots of them, and it is the end of my trip so I think I can suffer at carrying a heavier pack for a little while longer.
Yesterday I got £6 jeans, £6 shirt, and £1.50 tee.
Yay for cheap clothes. like 30 whole dollars!

Today I hope to hit up a market but Susan is a party pooper and doesn't want to come so I may just go alone if I get there in time

Anyways, it is time to book our last hostel!

6 whole days!

Well, it is 6 days until I go home.
Today is Guy Fawks day, (I don't know if I spelt it correctly or not btw). We (we means 2 aussie girls from our hostel that we made friends with (both named Laura how convienient!), and Susan and I) are going to go watch some fire works and go to a bon fire tonight to celebrate.

Remember remember the 5th of November....
Any excuse to light fireworks and fires is a good excuse.
Hopefully we will get some marshmallows.

Yesterday we went on a big-ol-free-tour and saw the sights of London.
Today we are headed to the Royal Museum and Art Gallery. To see the London Bridge, the platform 9 3/4 and Paddington Station (those are the hopefuls)

Yesterday we saw.... dun dun dun BOND. James Bond. in theaters. In London. It was cool, but the only theater we could find cost an arm and a leg. yikes, but still, it was cool seeing it here.

Ah 2 minutes warning. bloody computers! will have to go now.

Here I am!

Right now I am sitting in Paris.
Yesterday I was in Rome.
The day before I was in Corfu.

The last couple days have been travelling straight and I am pooped. Home is coming up soon and I am looking foward to it.

The past couple days have been well, pretty brutal. I am soo tired. First off, the ferry, not bad - but it was over night and we pretty much slept on the floor (us and a few others from our Corfu hostel). The next day we were on a train to Rome. That took ages.
That night we were on a train to Milan.
This morning we were on a train to Paris.
Finally I am here.

So I haven't updated this in ages, probably because Susan is finickey about her lap top and doesnt want to use it all that much.

Corfu was amazing. We met some pretty awesome people (two kiwis and two aussies) there and travelled with them until we went seperate directions (we went to Rome they went to Sorrento)
So yes, we swam in the ocean, tanned, played on the beach, ate Greek food, my oh my I will gain weight over here.

Anyways, it is on to update yet another thing/ email mum and tell her where I am.

Later days!


Well I made it. First we got off at the wrong stop off our high speed train. Then we got on the wrong platform to get on a different train... it switched so that part wasnt our fault. Then we find our bus, find our stop, ask random people for directions (our directions to the hostel were about 2 sentances long haha) so we get here and ahh cool!
The hostel staff are cool (very Italiano), they got all our info and all that then they tell us which trains to catch out of here tomorrow, what place is best for pizza, ah so much info! and that was before we even asked anything (except pizza)

we went to pizza and it was awesome. The place was loud, very busy, and had awesome pizza. North America butchered what is known as pizza. I had a Coke Light and a nice pizza.
Nobody shares their pizza here. They eat the whole thing... that is like a small (or even medium pizza depending on where you go) and oooo I almost had to roll all the way home.
They eat so fast here!! like BAM and they are already finished the whole pizza and out the door.

Anyways, I am off to figure out a hostel for tomorrow in Brindisi (to catch a boat to Corfu in the morning after)
Hope it goes alright, we are winging a bit of this part and it makes me anxious.

Ancient Rome!!

I know I am a super geek, and here is a teeney inside joke video for the family.
Lately I've been taking a lot more video since I have been convinced by mum that she loves it. haha makes me laugh just thinking of it. So here is me being the uber geek I truly am.

We have spent the past 3 days in Rome, I've been loving most of it. Aside from the place we are staying... It was supposed to be a lovely cheap BnB but ended up beeing some manky hostel. Can't use the kitchen, no towels, there are some bed bugs, two bathrooms for 16+ people... no hot water last night so I was wide awake right after my frigid cold shower that's for sure. The dude at reception is a creeper so I stay away, it seems like someone just took a few rooms from an apartment building and shoved like 8 bunk beds in there. Oh ya, we are sharing a room with 10 people... I mean I am used to it to a point (minus the bed bugs and the cold showers) but my expectations from the website to being here were shattered. I came in and was like what the heck?! ah well, it's getting better because we have one day left here. oh and it is sooo not clean. It freaked me out how nasty it was when we got in, and I saw the bathroom...

what I thought it would be: http://www.hostelbookers.com/hostels/italy/rome/37615/


or Florence in the English boring way to say things.
Today I woke up with bug bites - mosquitoes have been eating me alive in my sleep.
Today I felt like a tourist very much - mostly because it was a 20+ day and everyone was out in coats sweaters and boots and all that... where I was wearing jeans and a tank and flip flops!

Tomorrow we head to Piza and then Rome. I am soo stoked for that.
Also took some more 'stealthy' pics today!! Will have to post them later though because I don't have a memory card on me right now.

I've been making dinner for us lately, on a hot plate and using a kettle to boil water faster. haha
I miss having a real kitchen. A real kitchen with food in it and the usual spices - not so much after chili flakes and ketchup as staples.
I make due though.

I made tortellini last night and lingiuini tonight - loving the pasta in Italy. Though probably won't want too much when I get back home. hahaha

Any ideas on simple meals with like basic ingredients? Like buy your meal in the store and make it in a jiffy? We've had lots of sandwiches and pasta lately.

arrrgggg stupid itchy bites!!!

Anyways, I have to get off here and start packing.


For Mikaela

We have been trying to be stealthy in taking our photos, mostly because we get very dirty looks from the security gaurds, and it is cheesey. But we have made an almost game out of it. Taking pictures over our shoulders and trying to just be stealthy.

Hope you enjoy them Mik!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Since the last time I posted I've been to Munich, Venice, and Florence (which is where I am now).
Prague was simply amazing. I loved it there, it was beautiful, met some aussies that continued with us to Munich, oh it was very good. The hostel we stayed in was pretty good as well. I met two people from Chilliwack there on my last day and one of them knew of Miranda from school. It was sooo strange.

To a lot of people I say I'm from Canada... then if they go further and ask 'where abouts' I say around Vancouver... if they ask more then it gets strange and I say Chilliwack. haha and if they know it it's just so funny.

I have found that for the most people that you meet, there are the 'backpackers questions to anyone'

1. Where are ya from?
2. Where are ya going?
3. Where have you been so far?
4. How long you've been travelling?
5. How much longer?
6. What do you do at home?
8. How old are you?
7. What's your name?

That's pretty much the order of it as well.

Anyways, I have to run, we need to find a grocery store and then see a lot more.. there is too much to see here and so little time!

I made food!

day two in the kitchen in the hostel was a success! I love cooking and being able to.
today I made spaghetti with a creamy garlic sauce.
I made a roux and everything! I am so proud of myself
I found some spices...some marj something, and some salt basically haha, some packet from a chinese soup mix thing (it actually had sea weed in it - found that out after it expanded... I told Susan it was spinnach.), and we bought a garlic today and put in a few cloves.

now I have dragon breath but it was so nice to make something to eat without buying it directly or just adding water.

Today was day 1 in the city of Prague - it was beautiful considering the rain in the morning, but it got nicer and I am looking forward to tomorrow.

This morning I woke up with a severe cold and it suckkked! I went to a second pharmacist and got basically halls. this is the second time I've gone and got something that would probably not work.
Anyways, I am off to go to upload some pictures on facebook. and maybe add some on here

Berlin Dresden Prague!!!

Well I am here - safe and sound (just so you know mom) no problems really in getting here which is nice.
The last place we were at was in Dresden (Eastern Germany)... it was .... interesting... It looked freaky - like run down and graffiti-ed when we got in - mostly people in trench coasts and combat boots roaming around too - but in the day it's lovely.
We met up with a Canadian girl in our hostel and went around the city the next day. Had a nice time exploring - it was beautiful with the old statues, buildings, and parks. aww it was so nice to talk Canadian again too. I think I have even been saying things in American lately too... yikes.

We were in Berlin for 're-unification' day which was awesome. Our last day there, and there was a fair, carnival type thing. I ate bratwurst and had a berliner pilsner (shared with Susan since I didn't like the pilsner very much)

Berlin was a very cool city. I loved going on this free tour all around eastern berlin and seeing the wall, the buildings (mostly all of which are rebuilt since the war - and to look ancient) It was very interesting and now I can't wait to go to Munich and see the history there as well.
We stopped in a Mcdonalds there (a piece of home where ever you go!) and that was like the only place they didn't understand me - thinking I wanted 3 mcroyal meals.... umm not. Finally I got the word through and ate my meal - and then felt sick after.

Back to Dresden... Yesterday was our lazy day/ sleep/ slug day. It was very good. Afternoon we went shopping - I found the equilivant to side-kicks - and made pasta for dinner - found some olive oil and balsamic vinegar and made susan try it with some toast - aww it was delicious. I also had some tomato on the side - which Susan hates so more for me!

Cheese out here is great - I love gouda and we get it cheap.

um I may post some later but for now, I think I will have to get going.

OOh and here is a random fact I found heard:
neo-nazi people wear combat boots with white laces. *I never saw any just so you know*

Anyways, I am safe, happy, excited, and hungry. bye for now!

I love Gouda

yummy yummy cheese.
Right now we are in Holland - more specific Delft. We got in yesterday afternoon and went to the beach. had lunch on the beach and enjoyed some sunshine! Oh I loved it. Then we met up with some of Jedi's friends in the city and went to this arts festival. It was very cool.
We saw many different sections of the city- started with in the train station hearing a music mix of just train sounds. Very loud but 'interesting' which was the word of the night which one of Jedi's friends said everyone had to say haha.
Then we went past a building where they had lights on it and it showed the illusion of the bricks moving in and out and diasppearing.

They had people dancing on ropes along the side of a building - like circus preformer type things. After that was a lightening show - we saw lightening rods and things used and made the lightning jolt to the beat of this techno-ish music. I loved it. it was about 15 minutes worth of it too. haha even had the music from the super mario brothers in there.

This morning we went to an international church - where the pastor had a translator with him that translated from Dutch to English for the whole sermon. Worship alternated between English and Dutch songs as well. even some ones I'm familiar with were in Dutch. It was alright there. A tad boring but still alright.

Anyways, just thought to post a quickie. Hopefully post some more tomorrow or so.

I'm Alive in Belgium

Right now is our last day in Belgium - we have spent around 2 days here so far, and so far it's pretty good. Brussels is an interesting city. There are not many people in the hostel that speak english - but we did meet an Irish guy and another from Vancouver yesterday. Yay english! haha. I think that people in even a mcdonalds would have to be bi-linguial. A shop keeper yesterday told us that he speaks 8 languages. I can't even imagine to comprehend that much.
Two days ago I had a belgian waffle with chocolate sauce on it.... that I think will be my lunch today as well haha. I love it.
They have a beer over here that I had a sip of and it was made with water from a river that flows underground. They covered up the river in the 19th century because it was a sewer system... It has a sour taste because of the "good" bacteria in the water. Kinda freaks me out but I had to taste it because it was once in a lifetime chance.. not very good stuff though if you ask me. It's also called Geuze... hahaha sick.

Today we are going to puts around and I am going to try and bring back some chocolate, and grab a post card.
Tomorrow morning we head out to Holland to visit with Jedi - we will be there around 4 days (including the travel ones). We arrive in Den Haag in the early afternoon and I can't wait.

The closer we get to France the more people tell me it's nasty... I am a tad worried. So I think we will stick ONLY to the tourist attractions because otherwise it gets dodgy.

No pictures from these last couple days - the net cafe here doesn't let you plug in anything into a computer. That sucks.
It's getting harder to post and keep in contact.. susans's compy is crap in my opinion but don't tell her that.

Anyways, I need to be going now, time to check an email and run.


Today is day 3 in York. Yesterday we went all around the city and it was great - from castles to cathedrals to cornish pasties. It was quite the experience. It was a beautiful sunny day. We started in Yorkminster and then went all through the city. Took a walk on the castle walls - went to a bakery it was great.

Yesterday evening I went to a pub and had 'black sheep' beer - a good english ale supposedly. It was a little too bitter for me but it was fun.

Anyways I will upload more pictures later. the computer is being a beast.

London day one pics

The River Thames
Hanging out in the park

new and old... what a lovely car right? it's a lotus by the way.
Chillin with this dude in the park.


Well, we arrived in York England today. It's so good to be with two great friends again. We took the bus up to York from London which took quite a while - around 6 hours I guess. Lots of music time, lots of sitting, but it wasn't half bad.
Going past the country side we saw lots of steeples (yes I know I can't spell worth a hoot) and many many brick buildings.
Tomorrow we are going to check out York while Shane is at work. The cathadreal here is amazing - tomorrow we will see it - as well as some dungeons and a castle wall still surrounding most of York.
Today we went to this restaurant called ASK and it's a franchise - quite cheap from what we've seen - but the place it was in... WOW.. it had marble pillars in the main room - seemed like an old fashioned city hall or to me even a ball room type look - chandaleres and everything. The prices were like 10 dollars (5-7 quid a plate too)
Yesterday we were in London and we went to Pizza hut with some people from the hostel - 4 french guys Susan and myself. It was very interesting, had a very very interesting discussion about faith with two of them after dinner. My oh my did we eat late though - I am going to have to get used to it when we get there.

Anyways, I need sleep now and to brush my teeth. I will try and post tomorrow but who knows.
Later :)

this is a quickie

Right now I am sitting in a London hostel on Susan's lappy. I am here! At last eh?
Well today we are heading to York for a few days to visit Shane (yet another ywamer).
Susan is uploading pictures so I will try and add some in a little while.

Just thought to post a little one. I am off for now - catching a bus and going to see the country side.

On the flight here btw I sat beside 3 babies.... how great is that! and the one beside me was very poopy.

Anyways, going now, hopefully today there is no freaking out babies today!

New Look New Adventure

Tuesday is the day! It's almost here! It's been a long time coming with a bunch of bumps in the way, but heh what can you do?

I am quite looking forward to this new adventure - something completely different than before this time.
Makes me a little nervous but excited at the same time (of course).

mum gave me the idea to make a new layout for this trip so here it is! ah I think the last one was better, but this will do for now.

Anyways, I am off to go figure out some more stuff.

work work work

yesterday was my last day at work before my leave.
It was actually a good day - I don't have to worry about getting sick with this norwalk virus going around - which is freaky - and I don't have to deal with the nasty gossip, angry people, and hicks.
It was quite funny actually - the last week or so my boss (she's German FYI) has been telling people that I am going to 'the motherland' and that she hates me because of it. hahaha

Yesterday before I left - right after I signed out she came out of her office with arms out and gave me a big hug. Not such a good thing if people are already calling you 'princess' and 'spoiled/brat'. So what if I save all my money and don't go to school yet? I am okay with it but they don't seem to be.
Ah well, it was funny because as soon as her arms were out, out of instinct I looked around to see if any co workers were around.

I know that I am well liked by my bosses and that the workers don't like the bosses -and anyone they do like is no good and gets special treatment - which can be - it depends.

Anyways, just gave me a chuckle.

Today I am off to Vancouver for the night with my two best friends :) Must run now and get my stuff together since I am leaving in about a half hour. Goooten Tag! (yes I know it isn't spelled like that)


((In the picture - Ribs = okay... liver/kidney... heard of.... intestines and lungs?.... makes me cringe))

Lately I've been going through my pictures from India and making a list to print out and I came across this one... *sigh* so many memories.

This place was so disturbing that I don't eat beef anymore.


I think this baby will really sound like this when it is maybe 90 or so.

Or this one say at 50 ish?

ah who knows.
34 Days until I am flying away.
I'm pretty stoked but at the same time nervous.
Is it wise to travel/backpack in the fall?
A little late for the questioning myself but still it's going on in the back of my mind.
A good and bad thing might be that it is off season.

Well, I know I will be fine and all, maybe not the best timing, but it is the only way to do it with my friend Susan.
I guess I will just have to wait and see :(
I hate waiting though.
Well I've been pretty lazy and a tad busy the last couple days. Here are some more pictures of my vacation that ended on Saturday.

The Prison of Azkaban! DUN DUN DUN! hmmm nm it's Alcatraz. Not as cool as Azkaban but still sound similar.

Paul Bunyan and his OX. Pauly wiggled his hand in a wave and he spoke too.

San Francisco!

Today we went to San Francisco and it was really cold - it's July in California - 19 degrees without the wind blowing colder.
well we went shopping for a while - lots of little shops along the piers. I went into this one with lots of bags/purses. I went in just looking around, and then heading to the back of the shop this Asian woman says ' oh come here come here...' and opens the door to a back room and says ' we have lots more back here! take a look!!!'.
So I went in and looked around and lo and behold - a room full of knock offs. Everything from Coco Chanel to Louis Vitton. There were no knock offs in the front of the shop but in the back room! woo hoo!! Knock off kingdom! haha I got such a kick out of it.
It is quite illegal to sell knock offs right? aw it made me laugh so hard when I left the shop.

Today I also had a 'bubba birthday'.
We went to Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. today for a late lunch/dinner and it was great. I had a bit of lobster for the first time ever, some shrimps, some Cajun fish. It was called 'Boat Trash' and it was served in a bucket. haha it was great.
When we finished eating a whole group came around and started singing/yelling happy birthday- more like a cheerleading song thing - like someone yelling and the others repeating... haha made me laugh so hard. They were going to make me stand up on the chair but I said heck no.
lots of people clapped when they announced it was my 21st birthday. there were at least 5 others who had birthdays here too, but hahaha I got the most applause. go me.

To cons to today though - I had a rough sleep last night with hearing snores by some un-named people, and I realized this morning that the shirt I was saving to wear on my birthday is missing - and I think it might be at the last hotel we were at... so I most likely will never see it agian. :"(
I only wore it once too! Makes me so sad.

<3 Beaches + Flowers

From a rose garden in Santa Barbara. I was playing around with my digital camera.

These are dad's pictures - he does a lovely job.
He made friends with the pelicans.


I had the best orange ever today - we got them out of a -side of the road stand - they also are suppliers for sunkist. Oh wow the fruit is wonderful.

I am a roasted lobster.

I am burned to a crisp today and I hope to be able to sleep tonight but you never know.
Here are some pictures from the last couple days - I was internet-less for the last few so I am catching up a tad.

Here is the last day at Disney Land.
There was a ride called Star Tours and it was awesome! It was a ride simulator of flying in an x-wing and getting shot at and all that jazz. Made me think of Tony and Miranda. awww you guys should go soon.

pixar parade

this is more of the parade from yesterday! it was great!


I am tired so I am going to add some pictures from yesterday (mainly the pixar parade)
The army guys were awesome and probably some of my favs.

Day 3! Anaheim today!

We made it to Anaheim today! All the way through Las Angeles without getting screwed up! There were like 6 lanes and lots of speedy people - Miranda you would have hated the traffic - it even made me a little anxious. But then again California drivers seem more courteous than in Van. They give more space and let people merge than others. Dad says they were better drivers in LA than in Sacramento.

Today's highlights - we saw acres of vineyards, stopped at a farmers fruit stand (in a hick town), went through LA and made it through, took a nice dip, saw 6 flags and disneyland from the highway, mik saved a little boy from drowning.. sorta. Saw the temperature spike to 36 degrees celcius. Saw some big brown mountains (steeper than the coq), and lemon trucks on the way.
(the lemon trucks! we saw a bunch of them full of pure lemons! yummy!)

- the farmer we saw had a fun accent - a plaid shirt and suspenders - gave us free samples - plums which were very tasty. we also bought this dried fruit and nut mix from him and it was the best I have ever had in my life. Dried strawberries made me like juicy janice. They were amazing - kiwis peaches strawberries bananas pineapple. I Love it.

- in the pool this little boy was holding on the edges in the deep end and then accidentaly went too far in the pool and started yelling for help and floundering. Mik was handy and helped him to the side. Yay Mickey!

that is it for now. Tomorrow is Disneyland! I AM SO EXCITED!
(Mik loves the palm trees almost as much as me ^^)

Day Two - Cali-forn-i-a

We made it to Fresno! Today's adventures included poison oak, olives, thistles, ghettos, and 'sweet tea'...
First Adventure: Going to the side of the road to take a picture of 'The California Sign' and finding cacti all around as well as thistles.
like a thistle turned 10 point tooth pick...

we went to this shopping mall and we were the only white people there.... we got dirty looks.

we also went to mcdonalds and we saw cold sweet tea! Thinking it was ice tea we got one (1 buck for a litre cup! sick...) anyways, it was gross. like sugar water with a strong black tea bag popped in.
Now we are in Fresno :) just had a nice swim in the pool here and sitting down with wifi ^^ oh lovely vacation.