Day 3! Anaheim today!

We made it to Anaheim today! All the way through Las Angeles without getting screwed up! There were like 6 lanes and lots of speedy people - Miranda you would have hated the traffic - it even made me a little anxious. But then again California drivers seem more courteous than in Van. They give more space and let people merge than others. Dad says they were better drivers in LA than in Sacramento.

Today's highlights - we saw acres of vineyards, stopped at a farmers fruit stand (in a hick town), went through LA and made it through, took a nice dip, saw 6 flags and disneyland from the highway, mik saved a little boy from drowning.. sorta. Saw the temperature spike to 36 degrees celcius. Saw some big brown mountains (steeper than the coq), and lemon trucks on the way.
(the lemon trucks! we saw a bunch of them full of pure lemons! yummy!)

- the farmer we saw had a fun accent - a plaid shirt and suspenders - gave us free samples - plums which were very tasty. we also bought this dried fruit and nut mix from him and it was the best I have ever had in my life. Dried strawberries made me like juicy janice. They were amazing - kiwis peaches strawberries bananas pineapple. I Love it.

- in the pool this little boy was holding on the edges in the deep end and then accidentaly went too far in the pool and started yelling for help and floundering. Mik was handy and helped him to the side. Yay Mickey!

that is it for now. Tomorrow is Disneyland! I AM SO EXCITED!
(Mik loves the palm trees almost as much as me ^^)


Miranda said...

Mik to the Rescue! I want cool trail mix stuff now. yum. Lemon truck was so cool!

M.R. Tumnus said...

Glad y'all are havin a grand time. Uncle Darrell and I always love the drive down to SD, so much to see and we actually enjoy the "civilized" roads, compared to our little country lane into Vancouver. The vineyards and fruit fields always amaze us.

heidi said...

oh yes the "gorgeous" brown mountians and hills ;) that's all you see from where i live. i get a little green-starved every now and then!