Jones Soda Christmas.....

Drinking the "Christmas Ham"...

Christmas Ham...

In a bottle. So Miranda got me a shakable liquid present.... I opened it and WOW E! I got a pack of Jones Soda Holiday Style. It was creepy weird.

Came with 4 flavours - Christmas Tree, Egg Nog, Sugar Plum, and Christmas Ham.

So far we only opened the Christmas Ham - the scariest of them all. Here are our pictures :)

new look

So I saw that a bunch of you guys had new layouts and I thought I would join the club haha.

Though I have one question: How do I add links to other people's pages etc?

I was messing with the html but it's been a looong time since I last did a "layout" haha Miranda you know what I mean.

So Christmas is here, though I don't feel like it. Tomorrow is Christmas eve.
Tomorrow there will be 8 people in our house (possible 11 more?) and then on Christmas there's going to be 12 (and possibly 15?) wowza. Packed house.

So ya right now I am feeling gross, sick before christmas. how great is that eh? ah well
Oh and the present I got my mom for christmas hasn't arrived. won't on time now.
so now I have a back up haha

anyways I need sleep. goodnight.

oh and mom I blogged so :P

7 Random Facts

I've been tagged by Miranda! Here are the rules:

1. Link to the person’s blog who tagged you.
2. Post these rules on your blog.
3. List seven random and/or weird facts about yourself.
4. Tag seven random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
5. Let each person know that they have been tagged by posting a comment on their blog.

Random Fact One:

I am afraid of climbing up ladders and trees and stuff like that, though at the same time I can go to the top of the ferris wheel and rock the cart... I can ride the "revelation" and be completely extatic about it. But I still hate the little height of ladders.
Random Fact Two:

My body: thumb is double jointed and I can flip it completely backwards. My knees crack almost every time I crouch down, my shoulder can dislocate partially, just moving my wrists makes them crack.... ya it's messed.

Random Fact Three:

I hate looking at directions. I would rather figure out how to fix it or put it together myself. (map directions are good though haha cause I have no sense of direction) ironic?

Random Fact Four:

I broke my nose when I was three. It was a bloody mess and Miranda hid under her bed.

Random Fact Five:

I hate monkies. REALLY hate them. They freak me out, they are ugly, scary, and freakish things. Even the small ones. Don't be decieved by the small ones.....they are evil.

Random Fact Six:

I have a rock and mineral collection.. Yes I am a geek. Also had stams, jones soda bottles, old pennies, and shells. I have it, but haven't actually done anything with/to them since middle or high school. Can't remember haha. oh and the picture is what I saw when I looked up geek... LOL

Random Fact Seven:

I am a pro lip syncer - says Mik. hahaha

SO I don't really know how to tag people so I'll leave it at that.