Happy Halloween!

Mix CDs!

I found some old mix cd's today while I was helping Mik re-do her room.
Conclusion: I have a weird brain thinking some songs will mix with others without it sounding like junk. From Joel Kroeker (I had to look him up to find the right artist) to Enya to Styx? What was I thinking?

Joel Kroeker - The Wind

Enya -May it Be

Styx - Sail Away

So this is almost embarrassing to post. I went through this weird 'I love old music' phase + other weird music too!

That was just one CD... I found one I won't touch with J-LO label + other music too. Oh so there is another random post for ya :)

oh the spices!

I am making chai pumpkin bread right now. It's in the oven and o la la! I am excited! It has seven different spices though I had to omit one since I didn't have it. Cardamom. Not typical I guess?
Miranda sent me a link to another cooking/baking blog yesterday (28 Cooks) and I found this on there linked through it. It smells divine. I hope it tastes just as well!

Two days ago now, I tried making Cornish Pasties. Earlier that day I went to Dickens' Sweet Shop and oh it put me in the mood for one. Not as good as the ones with puffed pastry but I tried it and it turned out pretty good.

The only bad thing was that it was a tad less moist as I would have liked, and that I burned three of my fingers! The oven mit is an oldie and I figured out that, oh, it doesn't work very well anymore. Two fingertips and another finger with blisters on them. Thankfully they are almost better, all but one are good now.

I seem to go very domestic when I am off for more than two days. Cooking baking cleaning. If only I was able to do this more often. Ah well, such is life.

P.S. I will try and post pictures later

Motels from Hell?

Thank goodness for tripadvisor.com.
The fam is planning a trip to Disney Land this Christmas and we are looking into places to stay along the way. Finding good deals and searching can be quite hard if you don't know what you are looking for. I remember finding a few of the dodgiest places ever in hostels and a few motels here and there.
I think this comment from the trip advisor takes the cake though.
It is for the Howard Johnson in Redding -

"My wife and I stayed there only because we were locked into it by making reservations by internet. We knew we were in trouble just by driving into the neighborhood. Then when we checked in the attendant made a comment about people sneeking into the hotel to party and if we had problems to call him. He put us into a room right below the stairwell. I went back and negotiated a "better room" on the second floor above the pool. We resigned ourselves to making the most of it. He was right about partiers and they congregated at the pool. Luckily the air conditioner was loud enough to drown out some of the noise though not all of it. Around 11pm a police helicopter came around and hovered over the motel for about an hour. It seemed as though it was only about 100 feet above the roof ! I wasn't about to go outside and check. I thought we would be on "Cops" for sure that night. Don't make the mistake we did and purchase any room before you check the reviews!"

I have stayed in dirty places, ones that make your socks black when you step on the carpet, ones that have brown/black areas on walls from dirt or the ones that smell like vomit and mold, or better yet, waking up with bug bites all over your body...*makes me shudder remembering*. And then are the adventure ones. The places where we have had the door knob jam and you are locked in (and the owners can't even open the door), the crazy pot smokers beside you, or a group of crazy Irish. This trip will most likely have its own adventures but hopefully no dirt n bugs.
Here's hoping!