oh the spices!

I am making chai pumpkin bread right now. It's in the oven and o la la! I am excited! It has seven different spices though I had to omit one since I didn't have it. Cardamom. Not typical I guess?
Miranda sent me a link to another cooking/baking blog yesterday (28 Cooks) and I found this on there linked through it. It smells divine. I hope it tastes just as well!

Two days ago now, I tried making Cornish Pasties. Earlier that day I went to Dickens' Sweet Shop and oh it put me in the mood for one. Not as good as the ones with puffed pastry but I tried it and it turned out pretty good.

The only bad thing was that it was a tad less moist as I would have liked, and that I burned three of my fingers! The oven mit is an oldie and I figured out that, oh, it doesn't work very well anymore. Two fingertips and another finger with blisters on them. Thankfully they are almost better, all but one are good now.

I seem to go very domestic when I am off for more than two days. Cooking baking cleaning. If only I was able to do this more often. Ah well, such is life.

P.S. I will try and post pictures later


Miranda said...

I want to see what this bread looks like and how it tastes! OH it must smell amazing

heidi said...

you're going to be a GREAT wife/mommy some day! :)