just to post something

The last few days the parents have been away and I have been looking out for the younger sister. It's been pretty good. Have been walking a lot lately which is lovely.

(not my picture, but it is the very same Hope Slough)

The weather has been a bit wet out but I don't mind, the flowers are blooming and there are touches of bright purples, yellows, whites, and greens everywhere I look! I especially love walking along the river (which is lucky for me since I live right near it).
It makes me take in the colours and things around me without being in such a rush by car. I would never notice the little miniature daffodils, the snow drops, or spring crocuses. I love spring! The magnolia trees are bright in colours and the cherry trees are blossoming (and have been since the last week of February).
Today was neat because the clouds were dark blue and ready for rain yet the sky so bright. It made the colours pop even more.
I wish I took pictures!

While I was walking I had music on random, old songs from when I was in middle school popped up and ah brought back some good memories.
I love when songs play and you are reminded of a specific memory.

Anywho, blabbing is over now. I am going to bed.