13 days

Today is 13 days away. I am off to Brisbane Australia (the east coast) for 6 months!! I am soo excited and getting so scared.
I was shopping with mom today and it sorta hit her like a brick - I am leaving in 13 days -- less than 2 weeks away. So she said she got this knot in her stomach and that I shouldn't say it again :P That was sorta hard to do since it was for stuff for when I go.

Cherie did you get homesick lots?? and what was it like travelling alone? I don't really know how to conact you so I'll give this a shot >_< haha. Oh and the pictures on your xanga are amazing! do you have more??

oh crappy I have this super big head ache coming on and it's hitting me like a brick. ouch.

I'm going to try to do more blogging later.

What the heck am I going to do?!

Well I hate spiders. I had an "encounter" with one yesterday and it got me to thinking : what am I going to do in Australia?!

Here is my spider story. hm I have had a bunch on here about spiders hahaha

So yesterday I was taking a shower and singing and stuff then I turn around and HOLY CRAP there is this giant daddy long legged spider right behind me on the shower curtain. Well I got out of the shower asap and then I tried to find the spider (while yelling and being freaked out) and then I can't find it. Second try I see it and its wiggling and climbing to the top. I got the nerve to squish it but still. Oh and then there were spider bits on the floor that was sick. It made me feel like I had spiders around me all day - well at least it made me think that even little fuzzies felt like spiders. Creepy.

So Australia has 9/10 most deadly spiders? or something like that -- at least I think that's what Jamie told me, well anyways, I don't deal well with spiders, let alone deadly ones.

I think I am a bit of an over-reactor to say the least. Yikes. But still, I better get over this fear/freaking out bit right quick!

I also don't like bugs but that's a different story.

In the past week I've had 3 gross spider stories and all of them make me feel creeped out.

maybe it's the eyes.. eight eyes staring at you? and eight legs to crawl on you with? and the sickest looking face imaginable.

19 days till spider land.

I am excited and getting more nervous.

21 Days till go time!

21 days! I am so excited! And getting nervous. I have most of my stuff ready to go and I am just working on the last bit details.

I even got an email today from the Frontiers DTS leaders telling me about who the staff are and everything.

It's soo cool! Our leaders are from USA, Canda, Norway, Malaysia, England, and Australia. And those are just the leaders. I can't wait to see where all of the students are from.
Last time I checked there was about 10 students this term for the DTS I am in, but there are 3 different DTS's running at the same time so there will be from 10 to like 50 people on campus.

I am so excited!
things are coming together nicely so far so let's hope nothing bad happens :)

Oi! My mom is planning to get me some vegemite to try before I go.... yick. It sounds soo gross but I will try it at least. Have you ever seen or read what's in vegemite?! It's SICK!


On another topic, I went dress shopping with Miranda and mom on Friday and that went well. We got her dress, and picked out mine. All we do now is order mine in and hope to God that the other brides maid looks good and fits it. The scariest part of it all is that I get back from YWAM 21 days before her wedding, so I better not gain any weight while I'm there otherwise my dress won't fit >_<
ah well let's hope it works out just fine.

Well I am off to help with dinner, so
ta ta for now.