21 Days till go time!

21 days! I am so excited! And getting nervous. I have most of my stuff ready to go and I am just working on the last bit details.

I even got an email today from the Frontiers DTS leaders telling me about who the staff are and everything.

It's soo cool! Our leaders are from USA, Canda, Norway, Malaysia, England, and Australia. And those are just the leaders. I can't wait to see where all of the students are from.
Last time I checked there was about 10 students this term for the DTS I am in, but there are 3 different DTS's running at the same time so there will be from 10 to like 50 people on campus.

I am so excited!
things are coming together nicely so far so let's hope nothing bad happens :)

Oi! My mom is planning to get me some vegemite to try before I go.... yick. It sounds soo gross but I will try it at least. Have you ever seen or read what's in vegemite?! It's SICK!


On another topic, I went dress shopping with Miranda and mom on Friday and that went well. We got her dress, and picked out mine. All we do now is order mine in and hope to God that the other brides maid looks good and fits it. The scariest part of it all is that I get back from YWAM 21 days before her wedding, so I better not gain any weight while I'm there otherwise my dress won't fit >_<
ah well let's hope it works out just fine.

Well I am off to help with dinner, so
ta ta for now.


Meredith said...

Vegemite was brown, salty and paste-ish. Mostly I remember salty. I had a friend whose brothers lived in Australia as a kid.
Good Luck

Miranda said...

yuck for vegemite, I told mom I would not eat it. You wont gain weight before my wedding lol. I am betting you will lose a good 8 lbs or more out there in a place where you dont have your comfort food on hand or are not familiar with the local food. Austraila has american food so you shouldnt be scared.