new look

So I saw that a bunch of you guys had new layouts and I thought I would join the club haha.

Though I have one question: How do I add links to other people's pages etc?

I was messing with the html but it's been a looong time since I last did a "layout" haha Miranda you know what I mean.

So Christmas is here, though I don't feel like it. Tomorrow is Christmas eve.
Tomorrow there will be 8 people in our house (possible 11 more?) and then on Christmas there's going to be 12 (and possibly 15?) wowza. Packed house.

So ya right now I am feeling gross, sick before christmas. how great is that eh? ah well
Oh and the present I got my mom for christmas hasn't arrived. won't on time now.
so now I have a back up haha

anyways I need sleep. goodnight.

oh and mom I blogged so :P

1 comment:

Miranda said...

yay she blogged again! I shall show you tomorrow how to link again lol!