Day Two - Cali-forn-i-a

We made it to Fresno! Today's adventures included poison oak, olives, thistles, ghettos, and 'sweet tea'...
First Adventure: Going to the side of the road to take a picture of 'The California Sign' and finding cacti all around as well as thistles.
like a thistle turned 10 point tooth pick...

we went to this shopping mall and we were the only white people there.... we got dirty looks.

we also went to mcdonalds and we saw cold sweet tea! Thinking it was ice tea we got one (1 buck for a litre cup! sick...) anyways, it was gross. like sugar water with a strong black tea bag popped in.
Now we are in Fresno :) just had a nice swim in the pool here and sitting down with wifi ^^ oh lovely vacation.


Miranda said...

I have never seen poison oak. do you get a rash from it?

Aria said...

I think it's worse than stinging nettle but I've never seen it.

heidi said...

you're lucky the tea was sweetened! when you order iced tea here, usually its just cold sugar. really gross.