I made food!

day two in the kitchen in the hostel was a success! I love cooking and being able to.
today I made spaghetti with a creamy garlic sauce.
I made a roux and everything! I am so proud of myself
I found some spices...some marj something, and some salt basically haha, some packet from a chinese soup mix thing (it actually had sea weed in it - found that out after it expanded... I told Susan it was spinnach.), and we bought a garlic today and put in a few cloves.

now I have dragon breath but it was so nice to make something to eat without buying it directly or just adding water.

Today was day 1 in the city of Prague - it was beautiful considering the rain in the morning, but it got nicer and I am looking forward to tomorrow.

This morning I woke up with a severe cold and it suckkked! I went to a second pharmacist and got basically halls. this is the second time I've gone and got something that would probably not work.
Anyways, I am off to go to upload some pictures on facebook. and maybe add some on here


Anonymous said...

Aria hey there traveling sojourner. I would say that you do need to eat more garlic so that you can fight that cold. Make sure you take some extra sleep so keep up the posts.
Shalom Phil

Miranda said...

get better soon!!