blog much?

I haven't blogged much lately, mostly because I just didn't feel like it at all.
But I should have, mostly because I've been sitting around the house lately.
And I have been sitting around because I screwed up my knee badly at work last week.
The Doctor gave me some pain killers and anti-inflammatory meds.
Then since the anti-inflammatories felt like they were ripping my stomach apart, in two, and then stomping on it, I went back and got another pill for my stomach.
But no, it doesn't work at all, and neither does the pain killer for my stomach.
It's plain awful so I have been very cranky lately.

It doesn't help that the nursing program ends the application period in January for the September 08' year. This means - Aria doesn't have her full driver's licence so cannot apply (as well as an up to date first-aid)
So, this ticking me off, and realizing all that procrastinating screwed me over.
I keep saying 'this year is school' but things come up and I put it off, or problems come up and it's out the door with that plan.
Hopefully this year all my ducks will be in a row and I can apply with peace of mind.
Well that is all for now, I am going to bed, or to read.
Later days.

1 comment:

Miranda said...

oh its so pretty! I love your fat cat pictures btw. So when do I get to see smiff in her "Spankx"? LOL
Yes you should learn to drive, and then visit me in the city!