
There is guy on a different dts (same base) from Chilliwack.
I was definately weirded out. Never really met him before but he is from Sardis. He's on the MAD (Music Art and Drama) DTS and he went to India on his outreach. haha can you say weird?! from a hick town to across the world at the same YWAM base in Brisbane Australia, overlapping a little time in the same base. Creepy.

Random Stuff:
I love going round and round in traffic circles for fun
I am used to driving on the wrong side though when I see drivers in the wrong spot it's weird.
There are geckos in the bathroom
Coffee is good, though instant coffee is what I am living on
In our DTS : 10 countries are represented
Green Ants are evil
Cross walk signs are green and make funny ticking/whirling noises
I like to go everywhere barefoot.
I have been to Wolly's (Woolsworth's) and McDonalds barefoot hahaha gross eh?
My friend had a sun glasses tan and that was pretty funny
I have tried vegemite, tim tams, and fried bananas ? those are some weird things
Tim Tam Slams are my favorite dessert ( I think)
Caremel tim tams rock my socks
pedestrian signs are little legs walking on the picture
Spiders dont scare me much anymore -- I had one (little one) crawl on me yesterday and I didn't freak
I don't think I have seen a snake -- only big lizzard/geckos
McDonalds sells 50cent ice cream cones
the stars are so much clearer here
Salad is weird here
Main Lunch = wraps or sandwiches :( got old really fast
People can live off toast here, and when we go on the road we miss "the bread bin"
There is no "no shirt no shoes no service" here. Or else nobody would shop.
late night ice creams at maccers (Mack-ers) (McD's) rock

ya there is more random stuff but I have to get to class

Ta keep y'all in da loop

ok here is a pic to grab your attention! hahaha sunrise at byron -- we got up really early, drove a little ways, went to the lighthouse, and saw the sun rise on the most easterly point of Australia. It was so amazing.
I am back from a long week at Byron Bay -- An amazing place. there are no fast food/ chain resturaunts there (not allowed), it's small, yet I think it was 2 million backpackers go through there yearly? It is a hippy town, and there is a lot of hippy stuff going on there too -- like witch craft stuff too. But it is still a really cool place. The YWAM base there was pretty cool, the beach was about a 15-20 min drive away, and the beach was awesome.

front and back of the house :)

It is shallow for a while and then there is a place where it's shallow and big waves hit -- that was intense and so much fun. This time I didn't have my head smucked on the sand for a while, just bashed my knees a whole lot and got sand burn? haha oh well it was still amazing.

The Gals and the Guys.... the guys were "doing eachothers backs" hahaha

One night we did a free "sausage sizzle". It was a place where people could come and eat, hear a little about God, and have some awesome music playing in the background -- ie: from my IPod -- Damien Rice and Coldplay! yay!

Another night we went to basicaly a soup kitchen. We helped serve and clean up and set up a bit. I got to serve and it reminided me of camp! I miss camp!

We also had lectures at a church there the entire week -- this week = Spirutal Warfare and Identity in Christ. It was pretty intense all week, for me it was pretty hard emotionally. It just shows that you really do need to equip that spiritual armour every day. I have been since I learned about it, but before I was just getting knocked down over and over again and it was pretty difficult. By mid week I felt completely drained - physically spiritually, and emotionally.

But then I went for a walk along the beach at night and just prayed and cried out to God. That was pretty intense too. After, I felt a whole lot better, and I know that there was a whole lot of warfare going on around me. (pic of that night's sunset at the beach)

Anywho, the rest of the week was pretty good, I got even closer to some people on my team, and I am so happy to be back home. Yep, I now call this place home - for now at least. I really do love it here :D

We also saw the sunrise at Byron Bay and it was amazing. Here is one pic of a zillion I got from friends (since my camera is dead :'( )

Well yet another intense thing happened again with my friend. Her brother is not responding to chemotherapy anymore and the cancer is inoperable. Right now she is having a pretty hard time so please pray for her, I know that she and her family can use all the prayer they can get right now :)

Well, today has been pretty good, though I think this procrastinating will bite me this week. I have a whole heck of a lot to do now so I will add some pics and be off.

Later guys!

Island Party!!!!

Well, my camera descided to pack it in, push up daisies, die, suiscide it, and take me with it!!!!!! well I guess I didn't die but it still sucks :( My camera died and I need it! It died a day before we had Pauline's Birthday Party -- which was so awesome because everyone dressed like Islanders since she is from Vanuatu. I now have to rely on other people's pictures and videos for my own. This is until I get a new camera or get this one fixed. Here are some of their pictures:

The Sistas minus Pauline since she was getting ready and going to be surprised. Pualine -- A full out true Islander did our makeup and arm thingeys and put flowers in our hair! She is so awesome.

Well, the guys on the other hand.... they didn't know how to dress islander so they came up with some random stuff..... They all had skirts of some sort on too... UG I WANT MY CAMERA!And this is out group - minus Beau who was taking the picture. Birthday girl Pauline is in the middle and she has a traditional Vanuatuan dress on.

Well I am off to Byron Bay for a week so I won't post for a while. Have a good one guys!

Just an update I guess.

Well I haven't done this in a bit so here I go:

we went to this missions fest place and it was pretty good, we were camping and that was interesting.... the food tasted like fire, and every morning we had oatmeal--- looked like snot and has the same consistency -- tasted like fire.... we had sandwiches every lunchtime.... didnt taste like fire but we're ok, supper -- depending on what night... tasted like fire... and I really do wonder about food safe there. Since it didn't seem like we had any. Ah well, nobody I know is sick so hey! It's all good. This is a picture of the tent city we had going.. loads of one man tents, and like 6 - 8 person tents or something like that

Yep. So we went to the beach on the weekend too and that was super awesome. we went to Surfer's Paradise, and had loads of fun... post pics later....

and lately I have been doing lots of book work and not getting around to doing blog or emailing or whatever else. Ah well :P hahaha I have a goofy smile and I look funny but you get the point... It is school after all!

well I have to get going, it's gardening time!

More pictures!!!!

These are all in downtown Brisbane... they even had a beach!

Picture time!

yet again its picture time!! These are from Mooloolaba Beach on the sunny coast :)

Beach pictures and pics of my friends Rebecka Shane and myself ^_^

Beaches Waves and Sunburns!!!

I went to Mooloolaba Beach today. It was FANTASTIC! I went boogie boarding? and playing in the waves.
I was just playing around and this one wave was so massive that it flipped me over a couple times, dragged my head on the sea floor, and then pushed me on the beach. I think I did a few sumer saults. I'm fine of course, but I have never gotten that much sand in my hair before, and it was pretty scary. I also got some scrapes on my knees from being smushed on the shore ah well, that will heal.

Here's the best part now: I need some sun-burn remedies???????? Please??! I have never been this burnt in my life. I did use sun screen a few times, and we were only out there for a few hours, but still I am stinging and sitting on the edge of the seat right now because the backs of my legs are burnt.
I burnt my:
LEGS -- they are the worst I think --- both sides too so it is going to be a fun time sleeping tonight :S

Oi any tips people besides putting on mass loads of sun screen next time?? I sure did learn my lesson by the way.... re-aply sunscreen every hour min. :S


well at least it was fun and I got some italian ice cream which was fabulous -- forest berry mmmmmmm on a waffle cone

well I will definately add pics later

but now I am going to get ready for church (I'm going to the Vineyard tonight) and supper

Later guys :)