
There is guy on a different dts (same base) from Chilliwack.
I was definately weirded out. Never really met him before but he is from Sardis. He's on the MAD (Music Art and Drama) DTS and he went to India on his outreach. haha can you say weird?! from a hick town to across the world at the same YWAM base in Brisbane Australia, overlapping a little time in the same base. Creepy.

Random Stuff:
I love going round and round in traffic circles for fun
I am used to driving on the wrong side though when I see drivers in the wrong spot it's weird.
There are geckos in the bathroom
Coffee is good, though instant coffee is what I am living on
In our DTS : 10 countries are represented
Green Ants are evil
Cross walk signs are green and make funny ticking/whirling noises
I like to go everywhere barefoot.
I have been to Wolly's (Woolsworth's) and McDonalds barefoot hahaha gross eh?
My friend had a sun glasses tan and that was pretty funny
I have tried vegemite, tim tams, and fried bananas ? those are some weird things
Tim Tam Slams are my favorite dessert ( I think)
Caremel tim tams rock my socks
pedestrian signs are little legs walking on the picture
Spiders dont scare me much anymore -- I had one (little one) crawl on me yesterday and I didn't freak
I don't think I have seen a snake -- only big lizzard/geckos
McDonalds sells 50cent ice cream cones
the stars are so much clearer here
Salad is weird here
Main Lunch = wraps or sandwiches :( got old really fast
People can live off toast here, and when we go on the road we miss "the bread bin"
There is no "no shirt no shoes no service" here. Or else nobody would shop.
late night ice creams at maccers (Mack-ers) (McD's) rock

ya there is more random stuff but I have to get to class


Meredith said...

Thanks for the randomness.

Miranda said...

you pulled a brittany spears!
(the whole thing where she went to a public toilet barefoot) ick!
I vomited in my mouth a little when you wrote that.
Guess you arent worrying about disease out there. Must be perfect to live in the cleanest place in the WORLD!!!!

Anyways, momma is chuckling at me as i type this.
She has been quite giggly lately.


Aria said...

Well to clarify: I am definately set against going in public toilets barefoot. That is ronchy.

Anonymous said...

We're just teasing you honey.
miss you
Love momma

Jennifer said...

Loved the sunrise and set pics. Even if they aren't taken by you.
It's my theory that the sunrises are more amazing the farther east you are.
I'm a barefoot girl too.
Once in a while it's inevitable that you are barefoot in a public toilet. Usually it's in beachy places too.

Anonymous said...

Hey Aria it is so cool that you are enjoy the Aussie way of life. Yikes look out for those round abouts for they can become a fun thing to do when you go to do something out of place. Keep up the fun times and keep that tan going Have a great day.

Miranda said...

I wonder if anonymous is aunt alma....hmmm, she called wondering about your blog url...as I got an anonymous comment as well.

Unknown said...

Tims Tam slamin' all the way to the bank!!!!

They sell them at Superstore you know ;)