Island Party!!!!

Well, my camera descided to pack it in, push up daisies, die, suiscide it, and take me with it!!!!!! well I guess I didn't die but it still sucks :( My camera died and I need it! It died a day before we had Pauline's Birthday Party -- which was so awesome because everyone dressed like Islanders since she is from Vanuatu. I now have to rely on other people's pictures and videos for my own. This is until I get a new camera or get this one fixed. Here are some of their pictures:

The Sistas minus Pauline since she was getting ready and going to be surprised. Pualine -- A full out true Islander did our makeup and arm thingeys and put flowers in our hair! She is so awesome.

Well, the guys on the other hand.... they didn't know how to dress islander so they came up with some random stuff..... They all had skirts of some sort on too... UG I WANT MY CAMERA!And this is out group - minus Beau who was taking the picture. Birthday girl Pauline is in the middle and she has a traditional Vanuatuan dress on.

Well I am off to Byron Bay for a week so I won't post for a while. Have a good one guys!


Miranda said...

The boys pictures made me laugh. They look so lost lol.

Teresa said...

Hey Aria!!! You make me laugh. I can just hear you in your little Aria-way saying all those funny things. I hope you have gotten your camera looked at or have a lead on a new one. Sucks Man!!!I haven't seen the family much but will soon I hope. Remember the sunscreen and clothing helps too for the 'ol sunburn issue. Love you honey!! Wear a hat. Be good.Study hard. Love Mama Teresa

Anonymous said...

That sound like so much fun.
Miss you.
from mik