Perfection!!! I WANT IT NOW!

Yesterday I made pies pies pies! I love making pies. I blare out my music, dance , and bake all in one. Kinda sounds like I'm getting high... hahaha not. I just find it and it's like I get 'in the zone' almost. Yesterday was alright for pies - I made one berry one first and it didn't set at all (so I thought) and I was angry because I even added extra cornstarch! >:(
so that one didn't turn out, so I made another one - this one did, though it turned out to be so dark - that makes me kinda angry too (I usually make lovely pies - golden crusts and all that jazz, but not yesterday.
So I made a crust, had scraps left over so I added them to my pile and made a sorta half pie. Then I made the berry one, then came another crust for the lemon meringue (which I did this morning) and that one had more dough left over.... enough to make another crust... but I ran out of pie plates hahahaha so hence the funny looking pie. It's chocolate by the way (and cling wrapped in the picture)
chocolate ^^^
mixed berry (strawberry,blackberry,blueberry.... ya it goes on) \/
The lemon meringue made me angry this morning. First I woke up at 6 - the phone. Bloody dang phone! (I am not a morning person usually) so ya, work called, I didn't want to work so I screened it... then 10 min later... and 10 min after that... until I was too angry and picked up the phone and said ' no I cant work today' and hung up.
then I am awake (and angry >:( )
I remembered that I needed to do the pie before the turkey today so I might as well do it now.
It all went okay - my first lemon meringue.
>:( it didn't work as well as I would have liked. I beat the eggs too much and it wouldn't make peaks.
makes me disappointed and angry.
I think I am a perfectionist....

now is turkey time. I am going now so bye.

oh and I didn't take a picture of the berry pie (because we ate it - thought it was too runny... but it turned out decent) and the other one we ate too. sick so much pie. I am going to be pied out soon.

Glorified clothes hanger?

So I went to Mik's fund raiser for a school field trip . It was a garage sale of all things. First thing I see is an elliptical (my favorite thing to play on at the gym) so I was looking, and wooaaah it was 15 whole dollars. I thought naw.... it wouldn't work. But I tried it, it works perfectly, so my mum was like go for it - I thought heh its 15 dollars (two gym trips) so why not give it a go.I love it. Best 15 in I've spent in a while. I now have it in my room (no other place really) and it is nice. compact. and I put my computer in front on a chair and watch tv on my computer. I LOOOVE IT. It has a digital distance (in m AND km! hahaha), calorie, speed and time counters. The only thing missing is the heart rate monitor but I don't care for that much anyways.

Anyways, I made an awesome soup yesterday - beans (whole bunch of random ones), canned tomatoes, celery, carrots, and onions. It took a long time to finally finish (with the beans and all) and in the end well worth it. Add some easy biscuits and lovely dinner right there- actually everyone ate it (and I was just thinking I would).
Also I went with my mum shopping - she knows more about vegetarian food than I ever knew/would know. So she was telling me about all the subs and stuff - got lots of beans, nuts, dried fruit, spinach, ooh the list goes on - but the newest was quinoa - its like seedy grain stuff - and you can put it in lots of things - I like it in salads so far - and it's cool.

I love sweet chili sauce. On anything hahaha (maybe) even great as a salad dressing.

I had 3 cups of coffee today..mmmmmm I think I might be addicted.

OOH one more thing -I got my mum an awesome Pride and Prejudice box gift thingey and it's awesome. I didn't know what was all in it - but got the soundtrack, a book, movie, and oo so pretty! That movie I think is my favorite. It looks like a lovely book and aww makes me go all so girly and sigh every time I watch it. ^^

have a good night y'all!


So I have been thinking lately, heh why not try out vegetarianism? I always thought I would never be able to do it but I want to actually try.
it's something different and new for a change - something challenging.

I think the only thing I will be missing is chicken and meatloaf (sounds weird but it's a comfort food). No idea how long I'll be able to do it, but I was thinking taking like 2 months to try it out or something.

So I told my mum yesterday and she was all like ' if I see you eating unhealthy I will force feed you' and my dad was in the kitchen and he looked at me with the 'who are you and what have you done with Aria' kinda stare.

So this is day two of my challenge and so far so good.

Anyone have any good recipies?

Tastey Muffins

as I said, I am sooo much better at baking than cooking.
they are lovely to look at, haven't had one yet (because I am waiting for the ones still in the oven)
Blueberry bran muffins. I googled a recipe and the second one I found I could make. so far so good. 3 min to go in the oven.

I modded the recipie (like I usually do) with the only apple sauce (the best home-made stuff ever) we had in the fridge, and hell no to non-fat milk. My family is dead set against anything less than 2% hahaha.
Oh and for the last batch it looked like it was lacking berries so I popped in some blackberries.
This probably sounds boring but I am bored before I pop them out of the oven.


mmmmm I love berries. They are the best.

So it's been a while

oh how many times have I started out like that... haha
ah well
I was just going through the 'favorites' list on my sidebar and looked up some of your blogs (I guess I am more of a lurker than poster but oh well)

I was looking up on my 'favorites' again.. went to this cooking site, then bloggers, and wow here i am - so I thought about posting random dinner idears - (Miranda you inspired me so this is mainly for you!)
So here are 10 random things that popped out of my brain right now:
- crepes (oh so yummy and you can use some of those blueberries - also alright with jam if no berries... but I know you have them)
- quesidillas - I've had this thing about spicy yummy food lately, and salsa is great (so is sweet chili sauce)
- sweet n sour meataballs!
- farmer sausage w/ spuds and some veggies and all that jazz
- butter chicken - get a jar - dump - add chicken - voila! hahaa
- or go for a breakkie type farmer sausage w/ eggies in a basket. I haven't made those in years. (in case you don't know - bread with a hole in it and egg in that hole... and fry.)
- poutine plus whatever you feel like
- the freezer assortment - pick out some edible things and cook and eat.
- sloppy joes
-grilled cheese and tomato soup - so classic so tastey

so there ya are for random food idears hahaha
now I am going to go find something to bake.. I like that better than cookin haha