Glorified clothes hanger?

So I went to Mik's fund raiser for a school field trip . It was a garage sale of all things. First thing I see is an elliptical (my favorite thing to play on at the gym) so I was looking, and wooaaah it was 15 whole dollars. I thought naw.... it wouldn't work. But I tried it, it works perfectly, so my mum was like go for it - I thought heh its 15 dollars (two gym trips) so why not give it a go.I love it. Best 15 in I've spent in a while. I now have it in my room (no other place really) and it is nice. compact. and I put my computer in front on a chair and watch tv on my computer. I LOOOVE IT. It has a digital distance (in m AND km! hahaha), calorie, speed and time counters. The only thing missing is the heart rate monitor but I don't care for that much anyways.

Anyways, I made an awesome soup yesterday - beans (whole bunch of random ones), canned tomatoes, celery, carrots, and onions. It took a long time to finally finish (with the beans and all) and in the end well worth it. Add some easy biscuits and lovely dinner right there- actually everyone ate it (and I was just thinking I would).
Also I went with my mum shopping - she knows more about vegetarian food than I ever knew/would know. So she was telling me about all the subs and stuff - got lots of beans, nuts, dried fruit, spinach, ooh the list goes on - but the newest was quinoa - its like seedy grain stuff - and you can put it in lots of things - I like it in salads so far - and it's cool.

I love sweet chili sauce. On anything hahaha (maybe) even great as a salad dressing.

I had 3 cups of coffee today..mmmmmm I think I might be addicted.

OOH one more thing -I got my mum an awesome Pride and Prejudice box gift thingey and it's awesome. I didn't know what was all in it - but got the soundtrack, a book, movie, and oo so pretty! That movie I think is my favorite. It looks like a lovely book and aww makes me go all so girly and sigh every time I watch it. ^^

have a good night y'all!


Miranda said...

I didnt know that movie had everything in it!! Also, I wanna try out your clothes rack!

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