Christmas time is near!

Our tree is up! It is getting trimmed!

Here is Smiff sitting beside the lights very content now, but later she will be sitting under the tree when it's all finished being fussed over. As our tree is getting decked out, Frank is crooning in the background. It's quite nice.
My dad calls this CD "the three stooges of Christmas" (Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, and Nat King Cole). They sing my favs in Christmas music.
Yesterday I had a lovely Christmas song stuck in my head that I annoyed my co-workers with. "I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas" is such a nice song. Not necessarily sung by me, but still a nice song.Here's the manger scene (set up yesterday) it is older than me and I do love it. Can't wait for next year when we get my Aunt's full life size version of this to put in our front yard, though that will be a challenge and a half.

Also, mom's holiday favorite:

Anyways, on a non-Christmas note, two weeks from now I will be working the shift that will give me no 'life' at all. 3-11pm in Emergency. Tuesday to Saturday. This means I won't get out much at all. Mornings are nice and all but the afternoons is when I get things done. Oh well if it doesn't work I will go casual like I would be if this position didn't get posted last week.

Happy Decorating People! And do it soon!
Though I actually have the excuse of not being here over Christmas so I can do this early to enjoy it just as much.

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