
I find myself apart of the strangest conversations lately.
well perhaps not lately, usually would be a better word for it.
It depends on the company of course. Since I work in a hospital the grossest conversations can come up as a common occurrence - topics include - vomit. bowel movements. blood. needles. psych patients (that one is a fun one). surgical procedures. super bugs and diseases. the list goes on. and on.. and on..

Then at home, the same conversations happen. (Though different and sometimes just to bug Mik.) But for the most part its the highlights and lowlights (?) of the day.... which usually include the work topics. (Oh but no worries there are other conversations besides these)

When the extended family gets together they usually end up talking about medications.. the different ones that they are on, the ones their friends and family are on.... Is this normal?

I am not phased in the least anymore by most topics. The other day a girl at work started talking about her sisters endometriosis (and hers), describing bowel movements, scopes, surgery, and on and on.. This was over lunch. It all started when I asked how she and her sister were knowing they were sick lately.

I also like to go for the shock value... Mik being in middle school is learning new words. Biology is one of my favorites to tell her words and not tell her the meanings. She has been teased about her last name lately too. Siemens... So I call her Mik Siemen. just to get her going. See, I was never teased about my last name (unless I somehow blocked it all from memory), I was mostly teased over my first name. ah well, I get a kick out of teasing her and seeing her reactions. I caught my mum off gaurd so badly the other day by blurting out a biology term to Mik over dinner, that my mum almost had some food or something come out her nose from laughing so hard.

Anyways, time to go to bed or something like clean my room.... getting too messy for me.


lil said...

Hi Aria,
I'm just commenting because of YOUR name!! Not Siemens, because I grew up with that around in Abby, I'm a Neufeld, originally. :)
But Aria is quite different, and I have friends that named their baby girl that, and the mom grew up in Mission City, BC, and they're missionaries in China! How's that for a small world!! Very interesting.
My blog is, if you want to comment back.

Miranda said...

oh what biology term was it???