
Oh I just finished watching Australia! I really enjoyed it - at first thought it comical but I was so absorbed.

I am all alone tonight so I flicked off the lights, cranked the new sound system and watched. The surround system I think is pretty fantastic. Makes the hooves thunder all around and oh so fantastic.
This movie has been waiting for me to watch it for a while now, I was waiting, waiting, waiting for someone to watch it with me, but tonight just seemed so perfect to watch it. plug plug click and woo I had a lovely evening by myself. That never happens.

Do you ever catch yourself watching a movie and then some how finding your hands over your mouth in shock? or at a crazy part holding them over your face? I actually found myself doing this. I think it's a 'only watching movies alone' moment but strange. oh well

Oh and Hugh Jackman? He's ya know, pretty awesome.

So right now I want to go fly back to Australia and travel some more. Shucks.

1 comment:

Miranda said...

Even if I'm alone I do that. But if someone gets hurt I usually hold that part of me, like my arm or if I'm at home I will kinda curl into a ball if I see someone injured on their legs or elsewhere. Freaks me out.

Slumdog Millionaire is out in a week on DVD, so make momma rent it and watch it with them.