Scariest Moments

So I was thinking yesterday what my scariest moments in my life have been. This was brought on from watching Amazing Race (oh I love that show), there was someone that fainted from like over heating or exhaustion or something. OH SUSPENSE! haha. Well this put me in memory of a few times I have blacked out etc.
Top Freakiest Moments in Aria's Life:

----- India. Over there I got sicker than I had ever been before. Not to mention being in a foreign country, hiking, and crazy jeep rides to make things a whole heck of a lot worse when you're sick. I am pretty sure I had a horrible fever - (I had I think a quilt my sleeping bag and all my warmest clothes on when I got to my room.) I started getting stomach pains like no other, cold sweats and shivering.
I can remember it all too well - lying in my bed praying that I wouldn't die here. Never prayed that prayer before... ah well. this is my post from when I was just getting well again. I did journal but it's burried in a box right now, and that gave more detail on what happened.

---- Near drowning. I remember swimming in the pool near my grandparents trailer up by Cultus Lake. Mik was there with her friend and they thought that it would be hilarious if they held me under water and not let me up. (Mik was like 4 or 5 so she obviously didn't know better) So anyways, I remember being held under by my head and flayling my arms around trying to get lose. Running out of air. Trying to actually hit them so I can move, then finally finally I get out. Freaked me right out.

Anyways, those are two of my scariest moment that I can think of off the top of my head, I don't think I have any suppressed ones or anything but then.. who knows.
Anyways, time to go help with dinner.

1 comment:

Miranda said...

I vaguely remember mik doing that. india thing is freaky though!