Perfection!!! I WANT IT NOW!

Yesterday I made pies pies pies! I love making pies. I blare out my music, dance , and bake all in one. Kinda sounds like I'm getting high... hahaha not. I just find it and it's like I get 'in the zone' almost. Yesterday was alright for pies - I made one berry one first and it didn't set at all (so I thought) and I was angry because I even added extra cornstarch! >:(
so that one didn't turn out, so I made another one - this one did, though it turned out to be so dark - that makes me kinda angry too (I usually make lovely pies - golden crusts and all that jazz, but not yesterday.
So I made a crust, had scraps left over so I added them to my pile and made a sorta half pie. Then I made the berry one, then came another crust for the lemon meringue (which I did this morning) and that one had more dough left over.... enough to make another crust... but I ran out of pie plates hahahaha so hence the funny looking pie. It's chocolate by the way (and cling wrapped in the picture)
chocolate ^^^
mixed berry (strawberry,blackberry,blueberry.... ya it goes on) \/
The lemon meringue made me angry this morning. First I woke up at 6 - the phone. Bloody dang phone! (I am not a morning person usually) so ya, work called, I didn't want to work so I screened it... then 10 min later... and 10 min after that... until I was too angry and picked up the phone and said ' no I cant work today' and hung up.
then I am awake (and angry >:( )
I remembered that I needed to do the pie before the turkey today so I might as well do it now.
It all went okay - my first lemon meringue.
>:( it didn't work as well as I would have liked. I beat the eggs too much and it wouldn't make peaks.
makes me disappointed and angry.
I think I am a perfectionist....

now is turkey time. I am going now so bye.

oh and I didn't take a picture of the berry pie (because we ate it - thought it was too runny... but it turned out decent) and the other one we ate too. sick so much pie. I am going to be pied out soon.


Miranda said...

I love your runny berry pies! I dont care if they are "Runny" they arent to me.

Anonymous said...

Well hello pie maker. Yupe those pies do so good that I can taste them over the miles. By just a tad more experience you will make a fine cook. Just like your papa. Keep up the good work. Phil

Miranda said...

I dont see the post with the video of Chris.... :(