Stupid Ants!!!

They are everywhere! They get into everything! They drive me nuts!
and I think one bit me.

We had orientation today and they were talking all about what to look out for and stuff and told us that if they bite than you feel really achey.

Well it could be just a new bed or something, but this morning I woke up with a bug bite on my foot and I am soooooooo achey it hurts to laugh even. That's no good especially when we are teaching people how to say funny stuff with different accents... Like teaching my british friend how to say "word to yo motha" HAHAHA now that is really funny.
Ah well I have to pack now.

We are going to the country side? for 3 days, in a house they have out there I think, ah well..

Oh and I still have yet to get my internet on my computer. My pictures have to be put on here still :(

Thanks for the comments guys! I love hearing back from people.

P.S. there are gecko's in the bathroom. Ants in my room, and crickets everywhere. haha and a possum out back.

1 comment:

Miranda said...

mother is going to laugh when she hears Word to yo Motha! hehehehe!