So far it's awesome

ok well this is going to be random, so just to warn you...

Well we went on a three day "bonding time" with our group of 10 (plus a bunch of leaders) to the country side in Australia. It is so green here I am shocked. Then again, so are they.

well for our "bonding" experience we went to this house that YWAM bought and renovating. It's a small house in the middle of no where. It was alright there though. There were loads of spiders and frogs, and toads, and sooo much more. I SAW MY FIRST KANGAROO!!! It was far away but still I saw it!

This house that we were at had a wood stove, it had to be on for hot water, and the water tasted soo bad I had to mix juice mix (which was pretty nasty too) to drink it. Or tea.

I really have been drinking more tea out here. We have tea time in the morning every day and that is neat.

tea times remind me of british people, birtish people remind me of accents. here there are tons of different accents. I love it so much. Worship is sooooooo amazing to hear everyone sing the same songs that I sang in church, yet so differently. To hear all the accents, representing different nations, all singing in one voice in worship to our wonderful God is really and truly amazing. I enjoy every moment of it.

when we were in the middle of now where last night we sat around a camp fire (until it poured on us) and people sang songs in their languages. It was fantastic. we heard some German, Korean, Samoan, Vanuatu-ian (? haha), Norwegian and a couple others. It was fun.

It really was a good bonding time for us and that was really good. We haven't even started lectures yet!

Well I am going to head off to bed. I'm beat.

Oh I love your comments, and if you could comment me with updates from you guys that would be sweet!


P.S. I am finally getting a tan!!!!! hahahahahha and hopefully this burn will turn into one better too!
G'night from Down Unda!


Anonymous said...

that is so cool!
Been prayin'for real unity amongst your group. Sounds to me like God is present. We have an awesome God
Love mom

Anonymous said...

Hey that's so awesome I want to see a kangaroo!!!lol.Take lots and lots of pictures and videos.We are praying for you everyday!!

Love Mik

Miranda said...

I wanna see the kangaroo now. I wonder if reading this blog triggered mom to watch the ocean webcams in australia...maybe.
We got a new vehicle! Its a van/suv! I <3 SUV's!

Anonymous said...

aria! its katie so i hear that u saw a kangaroo! that is so awesome. how is it going out there with the spiders and ants? it is raining must be cool to learn about all the different cultures. im so happy for you!-love katie and matt

Jennifer said...

Understanding of God's creatures...especially the ones that freak us out is good. Carmyn was asking me today why He made bugs that bite...big explanation there.
But anyhow, I've signed up for the worship team. Maybe I'll be playing my flute at easter.
Love to you...excited for all you'll learn.

Anonymous said...

Hey Aria, it's Aunt Judy. Just so happy/excited for you and all the growing fun experiences you are going to have. God bless you. I will pray for you and your whole "family" there when I think of you. Much love

Cherie said...

Aria!!! im so glad you are having a good time on your dts so far! the first few weeks are always my favorite cuz you get fast friends!! Ill keep on praying for ya! i love hearing about all you are doing though:)
Your cousin up the land of the scots...