Frist few days in Aussie

I love it already.
Except for the spider I saw that is as big as my hand/fist. Or the end of a snake I saw creepin in the bushes.
But I love the hot weather, the rain, the birds (which are soo colourful and pretty sounding too)
I have yet to get my lap top hooked up so no pics yet.
So now I have been here a day and a bit, I have gone shopping twice, coffee once, movie time, and tons of new introductions to people. So far it's a blast
This afternoon we are having games then a bbq. Hope it goes well

there are people here from everywhere! In my team there is someone from England, America, Vanuatu, and Korea? and our leaders are from norway and canada :) yay

So far the people are sooo awesome, and it's only the first day.

this is going to be awesome.

I have to get going though to let someone else on.

Laters :)


Miranda said...

BBQ FTW!!! oh and I am telling mom about the spider, she will laugh! I can picture it now... fangs and all!

Anonymous said...

can you take some video of the birds? Take your camera everywhere.I love you sweetie
love mom

Jennifer said...

double yay!

Meredith said...

Glad you are there safely. Can't wait to hear about adventures and growth.
Take Care

heidi said...

praying that you will have a Most Excellent Experience and that you will grow so much closer to God. look forward to hearing all about it!