todays thought?

"The contemplative life is often miserable. One must act more, think less, and not watch oneself live."
Nicolas de Chamfort

I like quotes, they are simple lines (usually) that make me think. I think I think too much too much of the time. Sure it's good to think before speaking...that I seem not so great at, but for the most part I over think way too much and will probably end up stressing myself out over what could come of this situation, or what will happen if I ....

That is probably one of the hardest things for me, I am not spontaneous very much, and if I am I am usually wary of what might happen. Probably since I wasn't able to think things through and figure out what Might Just happen before hand.
Life is way too unpredictable to think out situation after situation and I think that I get caught in just 'watching' life pass me by too often.
Note to self: need to think less, stress less, and get involved.


Unknown said...

Me too. Sometimes you just have to jump into a situation regardless of what you think, just to surprise yourself. Usually it turns out completely different than you thought and you end up rethinking your thought process, do this enough and you'll never besure what to think anymore, which is good. Being right sometimes/usually sucks.

Emily Dorchak said...

that was deeeeep.