Change is good

So I was bored earlier this week on my day off and decided to re-arrange and re-organize my room.

I moved everything and cleaned it all! yay! Call me a finatic, I don't care. I love clean, organized, and lovely. SO the piano that was in the same spot since we moved here, I moved, and Miranda there was nastiness under there. Dust bunnies which were massive. I was sneezing for a while. Oh and I found some crayons, haha and a bill you never even opened... from a year ago at least. ah well it's clean now ^^
take a peek in my lovely room :)
I need something for that big empty space.... ^
notice the ugly not even retro chic mirror? haha sick.
So there it is. Completely different now. Let's hope it's more functional now.


Jennifer said...

dust dinosaurs sounds more like

Aria said...

So true! There were some as big as my hand... sicksicksick.

Anonymous said...

What a way to spend a boring day yet accomplishing a task that I am sure you are proud of. Now the party can begin as you have the space and also that fireplace to roast those marshies. Have fun Aria.
from the Interior

Miranda said...

I love the mirror, its the ugliest mirror ever! i should bring over the nintendo and make it the retro party room it was intended for!

Aria said...

that mirror is sick and you should know it.
I am trying to cover at least a bit of it with my shelf.

Anonymous said...

oh wow looks awesome!