The Best Blog Ever!

Ya, I know it's not mine. It's THIS ONE! lol well maybe to some people... like me.

The Story:

My friend gave me a mix cd for christmas (I love mixes so much) and she got it from this site. The guy takes awesome songs, mixes them, and puts them on the internet. Genius :)
I have been downloading this evening.....
I love long songs, because then I don't have to worry about hating the next one, skipping, sound glitches, or all that junk.
I went running 2 days ago with one mix - didn't need to mess with my ipod at all when I was going. It was lovely. Beautiful day, vitamin d gettin in - it's all good.

:End of Story?

I got a cool shelf from Ikea yesterday... I am going to take pictures of it and show next time I think. But not until I finish moving stuff around, cleaning, you know, all that jazz.

I hope tomorrow is as clear as it was today, even though it's frigid cold outside, I still like it a whole heck of a lot better than rain.

Today started awesome - I got to work early, sat in starbucks reading my new book I got for Christmas - "Through Painted Deserts" by Donald Miller.
Had my coffee... mmmmm I love it. and then walked to work (just a little ways) in the fresh morning sunshine - and cherishing the moments I had in it while it lasts.

Hope tomorrow starts even better - it's a day off for me - and a major cleaning one which is nice.

Later gator.

1 comment:

Miranda said...

I want a mixed tape!!!