
So lately I have been with a lot of little people. They are great and I love em.
I work in the childrens department in sears right now so I see lots of cute things for them to wear, and lots of mums with stories and cute kids.

I also help out babysit some kids when their moms have a 'home-group' type thing on friday mornings. I LOVE IT! These kids I get to know, they are cute, their mums are upstairs so if they are crazy then they can go there. The other day there were some cryers so I took them and sat on the couch with a book. A bunch of others joined in (oh there are about 9 or 10 every time), so there I was with a bunch of kids asking them what sound a cow makes..... and hearing a few MOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! 's was so cute. I love em!
Oh and p.s. there are 2 of us taking care of all the little people so it's pretty fun.

So another little kid experience: Yesterday I went to value village and shopped. Trying something on in the change room and WOOAH some little kid crawls under and into my tiny room and says "I'm looking for my mommy" AH! was my reaction.
I have never had a complete stranger see me without any pants on until yesterday. wow. That was what I was least expecting. Ah well, makes for a funny story.
Probably one of those " you had to have been there" moments. but oh well.

So Miranda, your nintendo (ancient one) came in today :) be happy.
I think Tony should get a bird. It seems to make him elated when he seems them lol think about him having one?

Have a good one people.


Miranda said...

i know i know...

Anonymous said...

LMAO "I'm looking for my mommy"

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