India thus far.

The following is from Monday I think, it's a little glimpse of what's happening.
I just finished lunch at a very dodgy place and it was something I didn't know what it was -- spicy rice with a boiled egg on top with some borwinsh yellowish sauce/paste?? sick eh? I couldn't eat the egg, almost made me gag when I put my spoon in it... it kinda oozed even though it was hard boiled. oooo still creeps me out. I also finished getting tickets for the train to Darjeeling next week, and a day at the Daya Dan house --- a house for orphaned children, the one i worked in was for boys (all under 10) and they were all almost all disabled. it is quite sad to see them, but playing with them and helping them get dressed (after a bath) and sitting with them during mass was nice. Mass was weird. they think that mary never died but she went to heaven and is in heaven with her body etc etc. my first mass so it was weird.
Today we got lost on the way to the mother teresa house. We took a bus (thought it would go to the Daya Dan house) but it didn't. we got off at this place that was pretty dodgy and walked for a bit trying to find a place we knew (we were with some others from the mother teresa house too so it wasnt that scary) but still, scary place in calcutta, ah well it was all good, we got there an hour late I think. Walking in 35+ heat, my last bit of water, pants and a tee, oh my gosh it was sick. and passing the dodgy places smelled nasty too. We ended up finding the place where our bus would have dropped us off. So we took a motor rick shaw and went down a street, more like an alley, to daya den (the name of the specific house we went to). Oh rick shaw rides are fun! we hit the motor cycle in front of us yesterday, almost got squished between a bus and a car (rick shaw is like 1/4 of a car). That was one trip (my first trip), another was a little better, less scary which was good haha.
So far I have taken the subway (and got on in a guys car (they have guys and girls cars! weird eh?) well no worries it was all good though squished (more squished than the one in singapore), we took cabs (those are great, almost hitting people. people dodging out of the way, almost hitting cars and busses and motorcycles, rick shaws etc. they go really fast and even we took one today and zoomed between two busses. So yep, pray for safety on the roads etc.

I went shopping yesterday and bartered! I bought a skirt and a bag for 300 R. Like 10 aud. They wanted 650 I think (different deals though) and it was kinda fun.

oh wow I have been trying to journal so much but there isn't enough time to write down everything. I haven't taken many pictures at all because I am worried I will be swarmed with beggars asking for $$.

I am being a vegetarian while I am here.

Chicken = sketch b/c 1. climate. 2. whats food safe?? 3. I see chickens all on the street (in basket like pens), on bicycles (about 80 perhaps clucking away upside down), below rick shaws (non-motorized ones), raw in the shops... w/ this heat? sick! and it doesnt taste very good and it just looks gross when cooked. Oh and that egg grossed me out completely.

pork = 1. looks gross. 2. it seems like mystery meat. 3. don't see pigs around at all... makes me wonder. and don't see it in the restarunants much either. :P

beef = I am in India need I say more? lol... becky thought it would be sick if mad cow was out here..... lol

fish = seeing them be gutted right in front of you on street corners is pretty dodgy to me... especially since they pee and poo on the same streets.

so veggies is where its at.

Ok well there is a tad of an update on what I am doing...

heres random points
- water here is merky green ish
- we have a toilet in our room!!! no squattie!
- I have met a bunch of backpackers and they are nice to talk to
- men 'hork' and spit every minute down the road... you would be sick
- they pee everywhere
- they are very dirty here. even wearing pants and shoes my legs get dark from dirt.
- there are bars on all our windows
- we have a tv in our room and I watched Heroes, frasier, and i want to see Indian Idol tomorrow night!
- there are bed bugs and I have been bitten a bunch... so annoying.
- 3/4 people in our team are sick... myself included. and the healthy one is getting sick. Pray for health ?
- I got pants that I could fit two of me in and they are the best ever... and ya they are meant to be that big.

From today!

ok. Last night we went to Pirates of the Caribbean 3. I loved it. The atmosphere of the theater was cool too! People all cheering and clapping at heroic parts, laughing at (random to me) points.
They had an intermission right in the middle of a action part and it was wonky, but fun. Britney Spears and Micheal Jackson tunes played... Kara, Becky, and myself knew the words and lip synked and wow it was fun. The lady behind us then asked where we were from and stuff and she was soo nice. At the end of the movie she even gave us buisness card from her brother in law's hotel in Darjeeling. For a place to stay, even gave us her number on the back. So kind.
Aw I love the people (for the most part)! Even some of the peddlers are halarious and fun to talk to.

Ok so I am going to go now.
Next post is from Darjeeling.

Oh and I am heading there tonight and arriving 6am ish. The night train.... in India. I have heard it's an experience and a half haha. Ah well hope it all goes well.


Miranda said...

creepy night train....sounds like fun! I am so glad you saw pirates! It took me a bit to get it, but I did. :D Darjeeling!! FUN! I am eating indian food tonight with my co workers who have never had it (not icky gooey egg currey food though, maybe goat!)

Jennifer said...

I enjoyed laughing out loud during Pirates! ...when nobody else was.
All my journaling from China is about how much the place was dirty and stank. chiropractor who lived in Utah said he was so annoyed with the mormons who apparently control a lot...that he never stopped and saw the beauty of the place.
I have that to some extent with Oregon. It's just not home. *sigh*
Don't let it happen to you.
Concentrate on other things dear.
Don't worry be happy!

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