A Day on the town

The last weekend has been pretty cool. I went swing dancing, swimming in the rain, to the city beach (not the store :P), watched prison break.... very good show! went to this new church, more swimming!, the art gallery, museum, boat rides across and down the river, to the Brisbane Botanical Gardens (the aussie equavelent to Stanley Park), train rides, prison break, pool, ah it was busy but really good. I am getting better at pool too! yay! I really don't have much for a sense of direction - thank God for people I hang around that know where they are going! haha
This weekend we go up to this palce called Chinchilla ( a long long bus ride for this youth camp up there)

anywho, here are some pics from the weekend :) Enjoy. Oh and you can look at them ALL on my photobucket : http://s130.photobucket.com/albums/p244/random-nonsense/Aussie/

top three pics are from the gardens :)
these are the tallest palms I have ever seen. This was in the Brisbane Gardens :)

Enjoying the boat ride across the river :) beautiful day! Below is the night time picture going across the river.

Anywho, have a good one, I have to go to a team meeting and then get shots :(



Miranda said...

beautiful gardens pictures! Prison break eh? I alreay have a few addicting shows...and I cant fit another in for a bit---although, amazing race ends next week...Maybe I will find another show to takes its place.

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