Chinchila and other junk.

Chinchilla is flat....

Oh Look! A TREE!

well this last weekend was in Chinchilla... about 5 hours away and it was very flat. Kara said it was flatter than Manitoba. wow. Well we were there for a youth camp and this conference that was going on. It was pretty cool. It was about a town of 3000 max. and had 1 main road with some shops on it. On the way there I was noticing how bad this drought really is. Also, the outback is pretty desolate. Yep, that's right! I went into the outback! Well, the earth is red, the trees are broken, uprooted, spiney, and dying. The flies were everywhere, the dust was bad, and it was hot. haha it was pretty good though.
One night we went with all the youth to this "bush dance" - basically a ho-down, square-dance, thing. It was a blast! There were all these aussie cowboys - the hats, jeans, belts, and boots to top it all off. There was plenty of dancing, fresh home-made doughnuts, and it was pretty fun.

We did this one dance, I think called a drungo or something. It was where you have your partner, 8 people, each making a square, and one guy in the middle. Well you do some dancing in the middle, out, around, and then the guys get together, the girls run away, and the boys chase after them. The guy that can’t get the girl is the drungo (? Means idiot in nice terms) haha and it goes on and on. I was with Becky, Marietta, Pauline and we were partners with the hardcore cowboys HAHAHA they knew all the dances, had the stedsons and everything. Makes me laugh just thinking about it.

Ah it was a really good night. That day our group was also divided in two, half did work, half got to play with the youth groups…. I was in group two! Group one had to do this relay race (I wish I could have done it though) they had to catch and carry sheep around, pull a truck (with their entire team) and do lots of outback stuff in the scorching heat. And the dog peed on the water tank they were drinking from…. Haha sick.
Our team got the hang out day.. lots of sports (footy, volleyball, lacross for losers, and stuff) one guy had a bull whip and was flicking that everywhere too haha it was creepy. They also dug out this pond, filled it, and with the dirt made a slide, put a tarp on, and flew into the “dam” as they called it. It was really cool.
They played footy (football … rugby) until Justus kicked the football… someone missed and broke someone’s windshield. Yowza.

The mound of dirt/slide and part of their "dam"...

who knows what game this was.....

Anywho, now I am back at the base, and the countdown is on. Next Thursday we start outreach. One week in Airley Beach, and then 8 weeks in India. Wow it is coming quick.

I still have a bunch of stuff to get ready and hopefully it all gets done in time!

Well, I gotta run, more new pics are on my photobucket, check it out :)

Later guys!

Oh and thanks for reading I like telling people what's up but I like hearing about whats up back there too! so give a shout!

Hope these pictures post alright ... I am trying something new :)
Oh and I will post a video I think?


Meredith said...

You want to know what's up? Kids are good, driving me crazy. I am good. Weather is not yet good. Everything is all good. :)

Aria said...

ahhh driving you crazy? how so? getting all tantrummy or anything? ah weather is good here, though too good, we are on level 5 water restrictions -- they had to make up that level becuase there is about 15% of the water supply I think? ah well, send us your rain!
Anywho, it's good that things are good :)
Take care!

Miranda said...

VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO!! --(I chant).
Anyways, its windy, and its getting warmer. Ate island farms icecream, bit mik cause she said" BITE ME!" defiantly at me. I did just that. Might flood, mik thinks she might get swept away. Told her that all that would happen is that I would live upstairs in the living room with my computer :P

Dancing sounded fun, I kinda missed elementary school ho downs! heheehe ho down.

Jennifer said...

Here is the breakdown of my day:

~get woken up twice in the night by Rowan who had bad dreams that a witch was chasing him.
~ get up 7 am....neighbours dog is barking
~ R has a traumatic time with constipation before 8 am
~8:40, take C to school....I say who loves ya? as I drop her off and she says 'God'...and what am I, chopped liver apparantly!
~ 9, take R to school....(mention to teacher about trauma)
~9:15 go to chiropractor.....end up chatting about all sorts of christain related topics until 10:15
~ go to Safeway...pick up toilet paper and bananas
~ go to post office to buy box
~ come home...unload groceries, do another cycle of laundry....pack and tape up box of hand me downs for little Sarah A.
~ go to post office...mail box to Princeton
~ 11:30 pick up R from school
~ 11:40 pick up C from school
~come home....cycle load to dry et cetera
~ make lunch for kids...watermelon and pb and j....lots of fluids as it's an 85 degree day...gorgeous!
~fill pool....hang outside a bit
~4,take C to yoga
~ R has meltdown...bribed with icecream
~ go through Mcd's for icecream at 5 other words before dinner..ususally always a big mistake
~ surprised to find out they are hungry before 6 anyways
~ make them stay outside...C dances around in the backyard in her nighty with plenty of accidental flashings
~M comes home...showers, needs dinner et cetera
~ kids to bed
~ now I'm here :)

Probably it sounds busy and hetic and cranky but it was a wonderful day.

Can't wait to see what you learn and see through Him in your upcoming outreach.