Finally my own images!

Yay my computer is online! TIME TO CELEBRATE WITH SOME PICS!

hehehe this makes my day!

These are the birds that live in the tree I love to sit under. Right across from me right now :P

This is one of 5 massive spiders I see on my walk to the mall every time. Do not let the barbed wire decieve you, they were about a meter away from it so ya, it's massive. I would guess like umm half a doller bill big?

ok well I have to go now, but that's it till later when I'm bored again haha.



Miranda said...

that's it? Pffft! you get your computer going after all that whining, and only 2 pictures?? :P I am I want more. I love the birds. They are so colourful. Are they in a zoo, or outside? I am curious now. I also want a picture of a gecko in the bathroom.

Miranda said...

and if I read the post, I realized that the birds are not in a zoo. lol. They are beautiful! Tony loves them.

Jennifer said...

in length? bills are 6 inches long-ish so then 3.
But it's body is like the size of a twoonie right?
Nice birds.