Canning to Extremes

You would think canning to be a uneventful- boring thing to do.... little do you know... *shivers*
It all started when my mom asked Miranda and myself to clean out the jars (that were kept in the shed) for canning the next day. Well we get the jars, clean about half, then see this Godzilla of Spiders in one of the jars. Well I can easily say that I am no friend of spiders. They creep me out to no end. This spider was massive -- I could not easily touch the unsealed jar -- even when I thought it was dead. Yes this spider was alive still. Well that is where the fun began.
Miranda instantly thought of the camera -- to take video proof of the evilness of this critter.

So we grab a seal - seal it .... then the fun started. While we were cleaning we were pumping up the tunes, and dancing with "Fred" and "Frieda" (there was two spiders in there but one was dead- I think they had a fight to the death, Fred won) After some heavy duty dancing I think Fred got brain damage - we put him outside - he died shortly after.
RIP Fred -- uh... not, that thing was a menace to society.

Well, that was the intense part of it. Although, dropping tomatoes, and having them slide everywhere was fun. I love tomatoes. I think I will leave it at that.


Anonymous said...

he died?!!!!!!!!!??? : '(

Aria said...

Yes, thank-fully :)

We found him on the patio (in his jar) a little stiff one morning