Thunder and Lightening and Video? Oh my!

Hey I found something to blog! Yay!

Two night ago we had a fantastic lights show in the sky. Lightening storms from Hope to Vancouver going through the valley, making a racket and lighting the sky. Fantastic.
I love lightening storms very much.

Today while lurking on a blog here and there I came across this video. It is a time lapse video of Vancouver. It is a lovely video of the day including the lightening storm and the fireworks that were taking place that night as well.
Simply put - It's fantastic.

It reminds me of camping a few years ago in Edmonton in the middle of a giant storm. Biggest storm I have ever seen. I think it made me love the storms even more. The pure energy created by them is unfathomable. It put me in awe of how God can create such storms with so much power.
Being in a tent, middle of a prairie, more than 2 hours of lightening all the way around you. Frightening yes, but even more amazing to see.
In the morning we found out that the lightening even struck in the camp grounds that we were staying in. Here's a pic I caught of it that night as well. I was taking video of the flashes and wow it was impressive!

(it's from sitting under our tarp (which we were the only ones to bring being from bc and all haha)

1 comment:

Miranda said...

That video is so neat! I also like the pictures you have of the lightening storm