
ah today was okay. Work as per usual, even though it's Good Friday.
I walked to work today ..
sunshine + river + birds - bugs + lovely music = peaceful and happy.
(this was one of the songs I listened to and it's been growing on me)
Then after walking 45 min, I get to walk all day at work. Yippie.
I also made it my goal this past week or so to take the stairs every time possible...Quite the challenge for myself, I work on the 4th floor in two different buildings. It's hard work! and boy oh boy my knees are killing me now.
I didn't think that walking to work would affect me so much but I guess it did. physically, though emotionally I was happy all day.

So bye for now from the tired happy person.

Oh and Happy Good Friday everyone!

On this day Jesus was nailed to the cross. The ultimate sacrifice for humanity. It is through Him that we are saved indeed!

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