Accidental- Prone Aria

Lately I have been so very accident prone. I find bruises, scratches, and bumps and not know where they come from. I mean I am used to it by now but ah well, I needed someone to blog on.

I have broken my favorite lamp - it was a globe with cherry blossoms on the outside of it and it glowed so nice! This one was a couple months ago. I think I broke my laptop before that... I tripped over the cord connecting my speakers to my lappy and BAM it flew off my table... Well that's repaired now which is nice.. oh nice warranty...
anyways, I have discovered lately my other lamp *I have two in all* both I love. and now I see that it is broken in one place. Still usable but still! One little metal hook is broken (this one is a square paper one).
Oh and my cell phone is finally returned to me! the number 3 popped out on me one day. Though this couldn't be all my fault! So what if it suddenly likes to fly out of my hand occasionally.. Or jump out of my pocket. It's a flip phone so how did the 3 run away?

Oh me and electronics are like accidents waiting to happen.

Today I was leaning against the wall sitting on my bed... I reached for something and the glass of water I had beside me wanted to drench me so BAM. Sploosh. Aria is wet, So is her cords to her computer, cell phone, and lamp. Thankfully I took most of the water on me I guess? Oh and my lamp fell down again with me. Thankfully it's durable!

It's a wonder how I am not shocked, electricuted or maimed.

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