Long time no post

I think I have had that as my title quite a few times before now. Oh how unoriginal of myself.
Lately, my life has consisted of work, go home, eat, sleep. sometimes popping in a 30rock episode or two. In the past month I think I went shopping like twice, besides the 'run in the store and grab a loaf of bread' shop. Ah so boring.

hm new stuff....

I love to go to starbucks if I have time before work and sit, enjoy a cup of coffee, and read my book (whatever book that may be)
I especially like it when I have more than 30 min there. My time to relax and read. and try not to think.

oh well.
Today I am going out for coffee with a pastor at our church. In about 20 min.
I woke up earlier than I planned today - I don't know what I was thinking, but up I am. The power flickered and messed with my clock so I fixed that at ten to eight this morning, and then I don't know, thought my coffee was at 9? meh who knows.
anyways, enough of my ramblings.

I do this right now to make it look like I blog more often than once or twice a month, even if it contains nothingness.

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