I've been tagged by Miranda.
The name of the game is to open the 4th picture folder on your computer and post the 4th picture from that folder on your blog.
Then you need to describe it.
Then you get to tag 4 people to do the same.

This is from California Adventure Park - across from Disneyland.
I was taking pictures with the 'aria' in 'California', and here is one of the A's.
It's now on my wall along with a bunch of other pictures.
I will now tag Meredith, Katie, and James.
(and you probably are already tagged but I needed to tag someone!)

blog much?

I haven't blogged much lately, mostly because I just didn't feel like it at all.
But I should have, mostly because I've been sitting around the house lately.
And I have been sitting around because I screwed up my knee badly at work last week.
The Doctor gave me some pain killers and anti-inflammatory meds.
Then since the anti-inflammatories felt like they were ripping my stomach apart, in two, and then stomping on it, I went back and got another pill for my stomach.
But no, it doesn't work at all, and neither does the pain killer for my stomach.
It's plain awful so I have been very cranky lately.

It doesn't help that the nursing program ends the application period in January for the September 08' year. This means - Aria doesn't have her full driver's licence so cannot apply (as well as an up to date first-aid)
So, this ticking me off, and realizing all that procrastinating screwed me over.
I keep saying 'this year is school' but things come up and I put it off, or problems come up and it's out the door with that plan.
Hopefully this year all my ducks will be in a row and I can apply with peace of mind.
Well that is all for now, I am going to bed, or to read.
Later days.