maybe later...

hmmmm I think you might have caught a glimpse of my procrastination.
I have a couple of excuses: I was busy, and it wasn't 'right' yet. I wanted to be at least okay with my room before I show ya so now I am at the moment.
Yesterday I finished it off with moving the piano (yes the piano is in my room since there is no where else to place it in the house - and hell no we are not moving it upstairs!)
I am paying for the move by my aching knees and arms. But I did it!

Today I would have done it if I wasn't called into work, which I was, so there is excuse #2?

arghash my knees kill. In making an effort to be more active, I have been taking the stairs (I was working on the second floor for a week, heh not bad at all...) but this week I have been working on the forth and second. Ouch. At least up and down 5 times today. ah well I am a wuss for now, but I have to at least get in a little better shape before my big trip!

The other day I saw a car in front of me and on the rear window there was big lettering saying 'Germans are Evil' I was quite taken aback when I saw it thinking 'woah what the heck?' and then I looked closer and saw that it was a volkswagon he was driving. Now I think - was that on purpose or was he just a super idiot? By even putting 'Germans are Evil' on the back to me is idiotic and pathetic. Trying to strike road rage on the people behind you? Not the brightest idea...

Anyways, I am off to tidy and then post pics perhaps.

music right now - Young Folks by John Peter and Bjorn

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