Lovely isn't it? It's on the way to Stanthrope.Well this last week we were in the middle of no where called Stanthorpe and it is on the border of Queensland and New South Wales. Lovely place really. We went to a National Park when we were there. It was pretty cool and reminded me of family trips so much! It was good fun. I knew that dad would be taking soo many pictures. And on the way there I miss stopping and taking pictures but I have to get used to it because they won't stop for pictures lol.
this picture is of the lake right beside the place we stayed at, the bottom one is from the national park a little jont away.

So in the maranara sauce the other day there was Kangaroo!!! AHAHAHA I ate kangaroo. I saw them the day after and hopped with them too :) I didn't even know I was eating Kangaroo when I was. Crazy eh??

Roos and Roo Poo!

Ah well, the week was pretty awesome. Lectures were probably the best yet, and the food was even good!

ya well I am going to go now but add pictures first! :D yeee heee!


Anonymous said...

Wow! Incredible pictures! I love the boulder one, and the roo poo, and actually I really like them all! God sure knows how to make incredible stuff.
love mumma

Anonymous said...

So, did it taste like chicken?

Aria said...

mmm it tasted beefey. More like cow steak than chicken. I can't really remember it :P

Miranda said...

ROO POO!!! nice pics of it btw. I wonder if they would stop for you so you could take pictures like daddy. I wanna see your video of the animals (wallabies...could google the spelling, but I dont care so much, you understand.)
I am tired, I was up early, so I am going to bed :)