Oh the stuff

New stuff happening:

--canned more salsa and tomatoes and no creepy spiders! YAY!
--being a youth leader is pretty cool so far
--going to the states in a couple weeks (hope it goes well)
--I am a survivor watcher - so far it's messed up but pretty funny
--I want to go on a hike somewhere :P haha
--I can never get my berry pies to thicken properly :( Try as I might I have only gotten one pie ever to work.

and post-it notes rock! I have them all over now hahaha

The picture is of Smiffy our fat cat, my cat is the lovely white one. My theory > Smiff eats all the food, my white cat is getting thinner because Smiff gaurds her troff... sick (that is if the picture actually works grrr. I might add it tomorrow)

Anywho, have a good night :)

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