From September 16th to November 11th I will be backpacking across Europe with my friend Susan (hahaha backpacking with an American in Europe)
I am so excited! I can see my friends from YWAM again! At least a couple of them.
So the trip so far - start in London, England. Make our way up to Liverpool, and then to York and visit our friends.
Then back down to London, onwards to France (not sure if it will be through the chunnel or by boat yet).
Down through France, hitting Paris of course, and then down to the south coast, on to Italy, hitting up Venice, Florence, Rome, Naples? - then to Greece!
The next bit is the hazy part - don't know if we are going to go the way we came or go through, say, Switzerland? Germany?
But we are going to go to The Netherlands - go to Delft and visit another ywamer! yay! and then through Belgium or something to get back to London and fly home.

Still in the planning phase with the details (hence the green bit), but this week I am getting flights to and from London. Oh I am so excited to see my friends again - I never thought I would again. AND this will be my forth continent to set foot on.
If you have any traveling tips or idears for the trip would be cool. I've traveled a bunch before, but not like this. So let me know what you think.
1 comment:
There is a plan!
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