Today we went to San Francisco and it was really cold - it's July in California - 19 degrees without the wind blowing colder.
well we went shopping for a while - lots of little shops along the piers. I went into this one with lots of bags/purses. I went in just looking around, and then heading to the back of the shop this Asian woman says ' oh come here come here...' and opens the door to a back room and says ' we have lots more back here! take a look!!!'.
So I went in and looked around and lo and behold - a room full of knock offs. Everything from Coco Chanel to Louis Vitton. There were no knock offs in the front of the shop but in the back room! woo hoo!! Knock off kingdom! haha I got such a kick out of it.
It is quite illegal to sell knock offs right? aw it made me laugh so hard when I left the shop.
Today I also had a 'bubba birthday'.
We went to Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. today for a late lunch/dinner and it was great. I had a bit of lobster for the first time ever, some shrimps, some Cajun fish. It was called 'Boat Trash' and it was served in a bucket. haha it was great.
When we finished eating a whole group came around and started singing/yelling happy birthday- more like a cheerleading song thing - like someone yelling and the others repeating... haha made me laugh so hard. They were going to make me stand up on the chair but I said heck no.
lots of people clapped when they announced it was my 21st birthday. there were at least 5 others who had birthdays here too, but hahaha I got the most applause. go me.
To cons to today though - I had a rough sleep last night with hearing snores by some un-named people, and I realized this morning that the shirt I was saving to wear on my birthday is missing - and I think it might be at the last hotel we were at... so I most likely will never see it agian. :"(
I only wore it once too! Makes me so sad.
<3 Beaches + Flowers
I am a roasted lobster.
I am burned to a crisp today and I hope to be able to sleep tonight but you never know.
Here are some pictures from the last couple days - I was internet-less for the last few so I am catching up a tad.
Here is the last day at Disney Land.
There was a ride called Star Tours and it was awesome! It was a ride simulator of flying in an x-wing and getting shot at and all that jazz. Made me think of Tony and Miranda. awww you guys should go soon.
Day 3! Anaheim today!
We made it to Anaheim today! All the way through Las Angeles without getting screwed up! There were like 6 lanes and lots of speedy people - Miranda you would have hated the traffic - it even made me a little anxious. But then again California drivers seem more courteous than in Van. They give more space and let people merge than others. Dad says they were better drivers in LA than in Sacramento.

Today's highlights - we saw acres of vineyards, stopped at a farmers fruit stand (in a hick town), went through LA and made it through, took a nice dip, saw 6 flags and disneyland from the highway, mik saved a little boy from drowning.. sorta. Saw the temperature spike to 36 degrees celcius. Saw some big brown mountains (steeper than the coq), and lemon trucks on the way.
(the lemon trucks! we saw a bunch of them full of pure lemons! yummy!)
- the farmer we saw had a fun accent - a plaid shirt and suspenders - gave us free samples - plums which were very tasty. we also bought this dried fruit and nut mix from him and it was the best I have ever had in my life. Dried strawberries made me like juicy janice. They were amazing - kiwis peaches strawberries bananas pineapple. I Love it.
- in the pool this little boy was holding on the edges in the deep end and then accidentaly went too far in the pool and started yelling for help and floundering. Mik was handy and helped him to the side. Yay Mickey!
that is it for now. Tomorrow is Disneyland! I AM SO EXCITED!
(Mik loves the palm trees almost as much as me ^^)
Today's highlights - we saw acres of vineyards, stopped at a farmers fruit stand (in a hick town), went through LA and made it through, took a nice dip, saw 6 flags and disneyland from the highway, mik saved a little boy from drowning.. sorta. Saw the temperature spike to 36 degrees celcius. Saw some big brown mountains (steeper than the coq), and lemon trucks on the way.
- the farmer we saw had a fun accent - a plaid shirt and suspenders - gave us free samples - plums which were very tasty. we also bought this dried fruit and nut mix from him and it was the best I have ever had in my life. Dried strawberries made me like juicy janice. They were amazing - kiwis peaches strawberries bananas pineapple. I Love it.
- in the pool this little boy was holding on the edges in the deep end and then accidentaly went too far in the pool and started yelling for help and floundering. Mik was handy and helped him to the side. Yay Mickey!
that is it for now. Tomorrow is Disneyland! I AM SO EXCITED!
(Mik loves the palm trees almost as much as me ^^)
Day Two - Cali-forn-i-a
We made it to Fresno! Today's adventures included poison oak, olives, thistles, ghettos, and 'sweet tea'...
First Adventure: Going to the side of the road to take a picture of 'The California Sign' and finding cacti all around as well as thistles.

like a thistle turned 10 point tooth pick...
we went to this shopping mall and we were the only white people there.... we got dirty looks.
we also went to mcdonalds and we saw cold sweet tea! Thinking it was ice tea we got one (1 buck for a litre cup! sick...) anyways, it was gross. like sugar water with a strong black tea bag popped in.
Now we are in Fresno :) just had a nice swim in the pool here and sitting down with wifi ^^ oh lovely vacation.
Day One - State Side
Today is the first day of our vacation! To start I was woken up at 4:20am (after going to bed at 11:40.... our neighbors are stupid and loud and should know I need sleep)
Our First Stop:
Krispy Kreme

Love the wall paper.
Doughnuts are great. The plain normal ones are the best - the others are a tad over kill on the sweetness.
Mik - loving it.
But like I said... overkill on sugar!!

then there's the sugar rush...

Later on, we stopped for some drinks... I said medium and it was giant.

Right now we are about a half hour away from California. Yay! and it's nice and hot!
The sun is also bright orange... smoke + sun + haze = orange ^^
Our First Stop:
Krispy Kreme
But like I said... overkill on sugar!!
then there's the sugar rush...
Later on, we stopped for some drinks... I said medium and it was giant.
Right now we are about a half hour away from California. Yay! and it's nice and hot!
The sun is also bright orange... smoke + sun + haze = orange ^^
I came across this quote today and found it thought provoking:
It is a wretched taste to be gratified with mediocrity when the excellent lies before us.
- Isaac D'israeli (1834)
and then making sure I got the right quote I came across this one too:
It is better to excel in any single art than to arrive only at mediocrity in several.
-Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus, 61-112 AD
It is a wretched taste to be gratified with mediocrity when the excellent lies before us.
- Isaac D'israeli (1834)
and then making sure I got the right quote I came across this one too:
It is better to excel in any single art than to arrive only at mediocrity in several.
-Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus, 61-112 AD
Life as a Movie
I think work boycotted me from working... evil boss... it makes me stressed because I need work. I might go in later and see what's going on. This is ridiculous.
Anyways, on a more pleasant note, I am bored right now, and reading forwards, notes on facebook, and all that jazz... here is one of my usual favorites:
Directions: (haha they actually give directions)
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie and try to pretend you're cool..
Life of Aria - The Soundtrack. Coming to theaters near you!
Opening Credits: She Came in Through the Bathroom Window - The Beatles (....)
Waking Up: There's a Reason - Mercy Me (true that)
Coming Out: Somebody to Love - Queen
First Day At School: I Kissed A Girl - Kat Perry (.... yikes)
Falling In love: You Found Me - Kelly Clarkson
Breaking Up: What's A Girl To Do? - Bat for Lashes (haha befitting eh?)
Life's OK: One Way Or Another - Mandy Moore.
Mental Breakdown: Secret Life of Daydreams - Pride and Prejudice Soundtrack (HAHAHA)
Driving: I'm Taking You With Me - Relient K (I would too)
Flashback: Breath of Life - Lord of the Rings Soundtrack (this is kind of creeping me out...)
Getting Back Together: Bleed American - Jimmy Eat World (oh dear o_O)
Birth of Child: She's A Rebel - Green Day (uh-oh..)
Wedding Scene: New Year's Day - U2
Final Battle: Beyond the Surface - Kutless
Death Scene: In Your Eyes - Kylie Minogue
Funeral Song: Our King - Tree 63
End Credits: Revolution - The Veronicas
It amazes me to see how well some titles match, but then again some definitely don't. They do for the most part. Ah well, try it! I want to see someone else's results.
Anyways, on a more pleasant note, I am bored right now, and reading forwards, notes on facebook, and all that jazz... here is one of my usual favorites:
Directions: (haha they actually give directions)
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie and try to pretend you're cool..
Life of Aria - The Soundtrack. Coming to theaters near you!
Opening Credits: She Came in Through the Bathroom Window - The Beatles (....)
Waking Up: There's a Reason - Mercy Me (true that)
Coming Out: Somebody to Love - Queen
First Day At School: I Kissed A Girl - Kat Perry (.... yikes)
Falling In love: You Found Me - Kelly Clarkson
Breaking Up: What's A Girl To Do? - Bat for Lashes (haha befitting eh?)
Life's OK: One Way Or Another - Mandy Moore.
Mental Breakdown: Secret Life of Daydreams - Pride and Prejudice Soundtrack (HAHAHA)
Driving: I'm Taking You With Me - Relient K (I would too)
Flashback: Breath of Life - Lord of the Rings Soundtrack (this is kind of creeping me out...)
Getting Back Together: Bleed American - Jimmy Eat World (oh dear o_O)
Birth of Child: She's A Rebel - Green Day (uh-oh..)
Wedding Scene: New Year's Day - U2
Final Battle: Beyond the Surface - Kutless
Death Scene: In Your Eyes - Kylie Minogue
Funeral Song: Our King - Tree 63
End Credits: Revolution - The Veronicas
It amazes me to see how well some titles match, but then again some definitely don't. They do for the most part. Ah well, try it! I want to see someone else's results.
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