I AM HOME! yay! It's been quite a while since I last posted, and a bunch of things have happened between then and now.
So when I got back to Australia, we went to the Gold Coast, for an extra bit of outreach.
The Gold Coast at this time has thousands of muslim people that come there to holiday - to get out of the scorching heat that the arab countries are going through right now.
So it is quite the opportuinity to give them glimpse of christianity. For a lot of the arab countries its so difficult to go into and at least talk to them about chrisitanity, but they all came to this place. So off we went, we talked a bunch, and they really really liked talking religion.
Hearing about their culture and they religion was really interesting too. I loved it!
So that was week one of getting back, the next week we had lectures, graduation, and coming home. Lectures were pretty good, I really like the speakers that came in - very very interesting. I think out of all our lectures, there was only one I didn't really like :P
So graduation was a blast! We all got dressed up, had a zillion pictures taken, a nice dinner, music, slide shows, aw it was such a nice way to wrap it all up.
After that we went for coffee at the "three monkies" cafe and it was heaps of fun :)
And that's about it. The only other random facts from travelling would be
1. I got frisked at the airport
2. Both flights I had an excellent view and a window seat, and I think I might have seen chilliwack from the plane but I dunno,
3. They didn't even have to go through my baggage in the airport again! YAY! I had tea, and kinves, and shells, and food stuff... loads of stuff that they checked when I came into Aus.. but hey! Prayer so helps for quickness and less stress through airports! YAY! Thank you God!
So that's about it, but before I go, here are monkey pictures...
And a link to all my pictures (of which I am still uploading and will take a couple more days)
Enjoy :)