(basically what I sent via email -- Coda this is for you! haha p.s. macs are gross)
Weather Wise--- It’s been getting a tad chilly out here. It goes down to about 22ish degrees and that makes me go for my “jumpa”. We were camping in a place called Toowoomba (it’s a fun name to say) last weekend and it was so cold it made me break out my toque! Yes, that’s right! I wore a toque in Australia. I am going to be messed up when I get out to India. We are flying into Calcutta which will be around 40 degrees, then we take the train (for about 12 hours) into Darjeeling. And yowza! That’s going to be a shocker! It will get down to maybe 10-15 degrees I think, and from 40-10? I sure hope it doesn’t shock my system too much! Well, as for the weather now, enjoy your cold weather for me J I am missing it! Can you imagine it? I actually miss rain. This part of Australia has been affected by drought for the last 7 years, and right now it is at it’s all time low and danger point. That is one thing that you could pray for – RAIN!
School Stuff --- well right now we are into week 8 in lectures. I have learned so much so far it’s amazing! We have covered: Father Heart of God, Bible Study, Evangelism, Intercession, Character and Nature of God, Hearing the Voice of God, Holy Spirit, Spiritual Warfare, and Stewardship. Wow thinking back it’s amazing to see how much we have done so far! And it’s even crazier to think that in less than 5 weeks I will be in India!!!
Right now there is a lot more than one DTS on base so things are a little more cramped than usual (about 60 extra people in a small place adds up). It’s pretty cool though, they have some really nice people in their DTS and loads of Canadians! There is even a guy here from Chilliwack! I don’t know him but the fact that he is here from Chilliwack still shocks me! Anyways, enough about them, the people in my DTS are wonderful. The leaders and students alike are really neat people. I am so happy that I could meet them and start friendships with them.
Myself --- As for me, I am learning a lot. I really feel that God has changed me a lot so far. I have been emotionally physically and spiritually drained but I have grown so much through that. I can’t wait for outreach! Presently I am sick: stomach and head sick at the same time. It’s pretty nasty. A few other people are feeling a bit “under the weather” too. If you could pray for health that would be really appreciated. I am getting worried about India, thinking that if I am sick here what it’s going to be like in India :S
Prayer Requests:
Team India - to have a real heart for the people that we are going to be witnessing to, also for our team to not have a bad cultural shock when we head get there.
Health – for us to be and stay healthy out in Australia, and especially when we are in India
Finances – not for me (I have all my finances together, thank-you!) but for the other teams. There is one person on our team that needs financial support, as well as a few from the other teams. We have to have our flight funds in for next week and some people don’t have it. So if you could pray that would be wonderful.
That God would continue to work in me and make me into the woman of God that He wants me to be.
Protection – I know I am not even there yet, but the fact that India now has nuclear capabilities is a little scary, and just pray that things don’t get worse.
Oh and on the last weekend we went to a music festival called AGMF. It was awesome. I got to see superchick, barlow girl, and other bands there :) right close and center! sweet eh? anywho here are some pics to lighten it up!
There were cool dancers.. I have video somewhere.

We were camping too, it was a very nice sunset too :)

There were so many stages in tents and outdoors, it was cool. So many people too like 20 000 I think?
YWAM set up a tent where we made chai tea for donation. It was sooo good! Best chai ever! but ya, it was packed all the time and it was the best place to hang out. Just nice music, chai, and it was nice and relaxing.